Effects of Stress
Stress Physiology
Stress Management Techniques

Prolonged anger can cause stress on this organ

What is the liver?


The body's automatic response to danger.

What is Flight or Fight Response?


A method of stress reduction in which one takes slow, deep, "belly" breaths.

What is deep breathing or deep breathing meditation?


Two symptoms of acute stress are

What is, heart rate and blood pressure increasing; breathing becomes more rapid; blood flow increases throughout the body; skin gets cool and clammy; digestion slows down.


The part of the nervous system that controls bodily functions over which we have no conscious control.

What is the Autonomic Nervous System?


A method of stress reduction in which one sequentially tightens all the muscles in the body and then voluntarily relaxes them.

What is progressive muscle relaxation?


Three individuals at higher risk for stress are

Older age; being female, especially a working mother; less education; being divorced or widowed; experiencing financial strain; being isolated or lonely; being a target of racial or sexual discrimination; living in a city


The part of the nervous system responsible for the stress response.

What is the Sympathetic Nervous System?


A method of stress reduction in which one visualizes images that are calming and relaxing.

What is guided imagery or guided imagery meditation?

The lungs are negatively impacted by this 
What is grief?

The area in the brain that send the distress signal to the body during a stressful event

What is the amygdala? 

An activity that increase dopamine levels

What are sports, baking, reading, nature documentaries, video games, board games, etc...


The effect of a level of stress that is neither too low, resulting in boredom, or too high, resulting in exhaustion, ill health and burnout.

What is optimal performance?


The area in the brain that control the body's response to stress after receiving a distress signal.

What is the hypothalamus?

A hormone that lowers stress levels

dopamine or endorphins