Why are these good Coping Skills?
Help Me Relax!
Name that Coping Skill

Music (listening or playing)

Music is relaxing, helps occupy the mind, and elevates mood. Playing an instrument and creating music is a great way to express feelings without using words.


Anger is out of your control.

False. Some situations are out of your control, but how you choose to respond is entirely within your control! (Ex. Someone calls you a name. Instead of instantly reacting like you've always done, you choose to not place importance on that person or their opinion and realize it's not coming from someone whose in a good frame of mind anyway. You walk away because you've finally learned that you cannot control their words, but you CAN control yourself).


Name something that is within your control.



Identify 2 healthy coping skills.

Deep breathing, visualization (happy thoughts), listening to music, writing/drawing, talking to someone, progressive muscle relaxation, taking a walk, exercise, etc. 


Why would it be helpful to create a coping skill plan and practice the coping skills?

It will help us to know when and how to use the skill. 


Journaling & Art (painting, drawing, poetry, etc).

Journaling & Art provide nonverbal ways to express emotions & feelings.


A coping skill can be used repeatedly to reduce stress.



What is Mindfulness?

Being present in this moment.


Identify 2 unhealthy coping skills.

Negative self-talk, cutting, eating too much or too little, becoming violent or aggressive, drugs & alcohol, avoiding, etc.


When can anxiety be helpful?

Studying for a test, playing a sport, ect. 


Physical activity & Exercise

Moving around & increasing heart rate releases endorphins (feel good hormones), making people feel better about themselves.


Anger automatically leads to aggression.

False. It is how you choose to respond to a situation that determines if you will become aggressive or not. If you choose to utilize some coping skills you know of that work for you, you'll be way less likely to act aggressively. 


Name one of the ways to ground yourself into the present moment (Grounding lesson).

Name things you can see, hear, smell, taste, feel, etc.


Identify one relaxation technique.

Yoga, deep breathing, stretching, meditation, guided imagery, etc.


T/F     If a coping skill did not work for you in the past it will never work.

False: a lot of the time it takes practice for a coping skill to work. If it didn't work the first few times, keep practicing. 


Talking to someone

Talking to someone about your stressors/problems allows you to release some of your emotions and built-up tension rather than continuing to bottle them inside.


You can eliminate stress by avoiding all stressful situations.

False. It is not possible to avoid all types of stress as some types come unexpectedly. It is more helpful to learn how to manage stress effectively than work on avoiding it completely. 


What is an example of a time you used a coping skill effectively to help yourself calm down instead of using aggression?



True or False? Some coping and relaxation techniques can work instantly.

True! Deep breathing and yoga are examples of things you can do and get a near-instant payoff. 


T/F  You should have a variety of coping skills that you know how to use. 

True: It is best to have a variety of coping skills that you have practiced with in case one skill can't be used in a specific situation. EX: cuddling up with a blanket to relax and calm down is great but it might not work as well in the grocery store or at school. 


Getting the correct amount of sleep.

Not getting enough sleep leads to exhaustion as well as mental fatigue and provokes stress while getting an adequate amount of sleep helps to relieve stress and helps your body regenerate and heal.


Taking time for yourself each day (doing things you enjoy or that are relaxing) will help you cope with stress.

True. Do at least one thing you really like each day- walk, read, play games, talk to friends, etc.


What is the one coping skill you can use anytime, anyplace, and is essential to relaxation?

Deep breathing


Tell me about one stressful situation in your life and a positive way you could cope with that stress.



What does using a coping skill do for us?

It gives us a break from a strong/difficult emotion so we can come back and deal with the stressor more effectively.