Causes of Stress and Current Stress
Stress Symptoms
Stress Relief / Coping Skills
Stress Prevention
Fun facts
What is one thing that causes you stress?
What is ___________
Name one physical symptom that is most noticeable to you when you are stressed
What is _______

True or False: Writing about stressful experiences can increase stress levels and should be avoided as a coping strategy.

False: Expressive writing, such as journaling about stressful experiences, can help process emotions and reduce stress.


This approach to stress prevention involves Make to-do lists, create a schedule for the day, set a timer for certain tasks to be completed, use an agenda to track responsibilities, mark due dates on a calendar, etc.

Time management 

True or False: Stress can save your life.


True or False: The causes of stress are essentially the same for everyone.
False- Something that causes stress for you may not cause stress for someone else. Something that is a source for negative stress for one person, such as a deadline, might actually be helpful for someone else.
True or False: Stress that's left unchecked can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease

True or False: Practicing mindfulness can help reduce the size of the amygdala, the brain region associated with stress and anxiety.

True: Research has shown that regular mindfulness practice can reduce the size of the amygdala, leading to decreased stress and anxiety.


True of False: Coping Mechanisms can be used repeatedly to reduce stress with the same effect.



True or False: Stress can shrink your brain.

True: Chronic stress can actually shrink the size of your brain, particularly the area responsible for memory and learning, known as the hippocampus.


True or False: Substance use is beneficial to reducing stress. 

False, substance use compounds stress and causes many other negative factors.


Is this statement describing Eustress or Distress?

Motivating, Short-term, within coping abilities.



True or False: Venting or expressing anger openly is always an effective coping strategy for managing stress.

False: While expressing emotions can be helpful, frequent venting can sometimes reinforce negative feelings and increase stress rather than alleviate it.


Which of the following can help to prevent stress: a) Getting more sleep b) Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine c) Physical activity d) Putting off tasks

A, B, & C


What are some examples of Eustress? (Positive Stress)

Job promotion, going on a first date, riding a roller coaster, holidays. 


What are the top 5 factors that cause people stress in life? 

Death of a loved one, marriage/divorce, moving, major illness or injury, and job loss.

Do you think the physical symptoms of stress are different from the physical symptoms of anxiety? (Can be about your personal experience or in general)
Personal opinion

True or false: When stressed, it can be helpful to take several short, shallow breaths to calm down

False! Take several long, deep breaths to relax when stressed


Learning to say this small but powerful word can prevent stress by helping you manage your commitments.

say no 


What does your brain release when Flight or Fight is engaged.

What is adrenaline.


This is a term for acute stress that lasts longer than a month. 

What is PTSD


Is this a statement of Eustress or Distress?

Causes anxiety, feels unpleasant, decreases performance.



This mineral, found in leafy greens and nuts, helps regulate the body's stress response and can have a calming effect when included in your diet.

What is magnesium


This approach to stress prevention involves recognizing and modifying your automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) to reduce their impact on your stress levels.

What is cognitive restructuring?


True or False: Stress can cause you to catch a cold.

High stress levels weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to infections like the common cold.