Three types of stress
What is eustress (good), eustress (neutral) and distress (bad).
Triggers the flight response.
What is fear?
a perceived threat to ones mental, physical, or spiritual well-being, resulting from a series of physiological responses and adaptations.
What is stress?
consist of the brain and spinal cord and the PNS
What is the central nervous system (CNS)?
This model suggests that total wellness is the balance, integration, and harmony of the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects od the human condition.
What is the holistic wellness paradigm?
Stress that is not as intense as acute stress but that lingers for a prolonged period of time
What is chronic stress?
Change, pain, failure and death
What is types of fear.
female stress response.
What is tend and befriend?
This is process of bringing ones mind to focus on the current moment.
What is mindfulness?
When eaten fresh, this food is a summer vegetable. When it is dried, it is a grain.
What is corn?
process in which the body tries to accomodate stress by adapting to it
What is general adaptation syndrome (GAS)?
emotion that connects with the “fight” part of the fight-or-flight response.
What is anger?
greater risk of heart disease.
What is the effect of stress?
this part of the central nervous system requires no conscious thought; actions such as breathing and heart rate are automatic.
What is the autonomic nervous system (ANS)?
model cites research linking the nervous system with the immune system
What is Perts Model?
Common stressors that college students encounter.
What is roommate dynamics, professional pursuits, academic deadlines, financial aid, money management, lifestyle behaviors, peers?
state of well-being and contentment
What is happiness?
Trauma experts refer to thee over-adaptive behaviors as the four Fs of trauma:
What is fight, flight, freeze and fawn?
branch of the central nervous system that triggers the fight or flight response when some element of threat is present.
What is sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system?
Coined the term homeostasis?
Who is Claude Bernard?
The three distinct physiological phrases in reaction to chronic stress.
What is alarm, resistance and exhaustion phase?
Joy and happiness
What is eustress?
During fight or flight.
What is your heart rate increases, breathing speeds up blood pressure spikes and blood pressure is increased?
Also known as the 10th cranial nerve.
What is vagus nerve.
Asthma, Headaches, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Coronary Heart Disease
What are Nervous System Related Disorders?