I have to submit this assignment tomorrow. I'm afraid I might not (meet the task - meet the deadline).
meet the deadline
W ______________ (n.)
the division of one's time and focus between working and family or leisure activities
Work-life balance (n.)
I'm sorry, I can't do it. I've just got too much on my plate right now.
to have something, usually a large amount of important work or problems, to deal with
Reading is a wonderful technique to (cope with - cope to) stress.
cope with
S ___________ (n.)
something that causes stress
We've been working so hard on this project that we're finally going to go out this evening and let our hair down for a few hours.
to allow yourself to behave much more freely than usual and enjoy yourself
He doesn't want to go to the party, but his friends insist that he goes with them. He doesn't like being (rushed into - pressured into) going, though.
pressured into
R____________ (v.)
to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe
Our argument got very heated. I had to go out for a walk to blow off some steam.
to get rid of your energy, anger or strong emotions by doing something active or noisy
He is overworked to the point of (breakout - burnout). He urgently needs a break.
O ________________ (adj.)
to feel like you have too much to deal with.
We’ve been working 18 hours a day and we are all at breaking point.
the time when problems become so great that a person, an organization or a system can no longer deal with them
He has a lot of tasks to do. He’s (swamped at -swamped with) work.
swamped with
D_________ (v.)
to relax after working hard or experiencing stress; to reduce the amount of stress that you experience
No wonder Mary is ill. She has been burning the candle at both ends for a long time.
to become very tired by trying to do too many things and going to bed late and getting up early