Being on time
Time Management / Punctuality
For the employer to see if you are a good fit for the job
Name, Email, Phone Number
Challenges (why people quit their jobs / why people get fired)
Stressful work environment, relationships with coworkers and superiors, physical & mental wellbeing, inaccessible workplace
What kind of emotions can you feel when you're stressed?
A type of document that summarizes our professional life to employers when we are applying for a job. Important to bring to interviews.
True or false: Everyone that applies to a job gets interviewed
False: The employer will usually only choose a few resumes that catches their eyes based on maybe 50 resumes that were handed to them over the past 3 months. The chosen resumes will get called for an interview to further test their compatibility with the company.
Things you have done in the past that provided you with skills
Work / Volunteer Experience
Job retention strategies
- Communication
- Time management
- Etiquette
What are 3 physical symptoms of stress?
Headache, Digestive problems (diarrhea, constipation), Heart Palpitations, Shallow Breathing / Hyperventilation, Indigestion, Nausea
Keeping a job or position
Job Retention
Something you should do before going in for the interview
- Practice
- Research company
Your schools, years spent in each school, what you studied
Job stability
Self Growth
What are some behaviours that shows someone may be stressed?
Withdrawals from others, trouble sleeping, tearing up
State of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation.
How do we answer the question "Tell me about yourself"?
Professionally and concise. Avoid talking about what your favourite food or colour is. Instead, talk about your good personality qualities and achievements (ex. you are a social person who is energized when interacting with others. You worked / volunteered at a daycare for 2 years and so you built a passion workikng with children)
People who will give potential employers feedback about who you are as an employee.
Job stability
- financial security
- sense of continuity that allows us to plan for the future
- shows commitment and loyalty
Why is stress management important?
To improve / maintain mental health, physical health, social life, productivity
The ability to analyze, start, and/or do things without being asked/taught
Something I can improve on but can also be seen as a positive quality by some companies, especially the one I am applying for
When asked about your weaknesses, don't actually mention negative qualities. Only mention what can be seen as good AND bad (ex. being too social may not be appreciated by a library but is a very good quality in daycare)
Soft skills
Self Growth
Personal fulfillment, increased confidence, ability to adapt, resilience
What can you do when you're stressed? (name 3 things)
Recognize you're stressed, identify the cause of your stress, sort different causes, take small steps, seek friends and family, eat a healthy diet, exercise, take a break, meditate, get proper sleep, be kind to yourself, have a screen-free day