Stroke Superfoods
Fats: Good or Bad?
Salty Stroke
Protein Power
Hydration & Recovery

This leafy green is known for being high in vitamin K and antioxidants, which can support brain health.

What is spinach?


This type of fat, found in butter and fried foods, increases the risk of stroke by clogging arteries.

What are saturated fats?


This mineral, found in high amounts in processed foods, increases blood pressure and stroke risk.

What is sodium?


This lean meat is a great source of protein and supports muscle recovery without adding extra fat.

What is chicken breast?


Drinking enough of this daily is essential for keeping blood pressure in check and preventing stroke.

What is water?


Berries like blueberries and strawberries are rich in this type of antioxidant that helps reduce inflammation.

What are flavonoids?


These fats, found in avocados and olive oil, are considered heart-healthy.

What are monounsaturated fats?


This daily limit for sodium intake is recommended for stroke prevention.

What is 1,500 milligrams?


This plant-based protein, found in tofu and edamame, is often recommended in stroke recovery diets.

What is soy?


Sugary drinks, like soda, should be avoided as they increase the risk of this chronic condition linked to strokes.

What is diabetes?


This orange vegetable, often mashed or roasted, is packed with beta-carotene, which supports brain function.

What is a sweet potato?


Trans fats, which raise bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol, are found in this type of processed snack food.

What are packaged snacks or baked goods?


These types of canned foods often contain high levels of sodium and should be limited in a stroke-friendly diet.

What are soups and vegetables?


Legumes, such as beans and lentils, are high in protein and fiber, making them good for heart health.

What are beans?


This type of tea, rich in antioxidants, may help reduce the risk of stroke when consumed regularly.

What is green tea?


These small seeds, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, help reduce blood pressure and improve heart health.

What are flaxseeds or chia seeds?


This oil, often used in Mediterranean diets, is known for its heart-healthy benefits.

What is olive oil?


To reduce sodium, it's better to flavor food with this instead of salt.

What are herbs and spices?


This dairy product is a good source of protein and calcium but should be consumed in its low-fat form for stroke recovery.

What is yogurt?


This beverage, while high in antioxidants, should be limited due to its caffeine content, which can raise blood pressure.

What is coffee?


This type of fish, often called “brain food,” is high in omega-3 fatty acids and helps protect against stroke.

What is salmon?


Nuts like almonds and walnuts are high in this type of healthy fat.

What are polyunsaturated fats?


This type of salt, though marketed as healthier, still contains sodium and should be limited.

What is sea salt?


This type of fish, besides salmon, is another great source of lean protein and omega-3s.

What is tuna?


Alcohol in moderation can be part of a heart-healthy diet, but excessive drinking increases the risk of stroke. What is the recommended limit for alcohol consumption for stroke prevention?

What is one drink per day for women, two drinks per day for men?