Risk Factors
Ischemic Stroke
Hemorrhagic Stroke/Wild

What imaging is required for patients with S&S of stroke?

CT Head w/out contrast Per Stroke Protocol

Rule in/out hemorrhage stroke

CTA Head and Neck Per Stroke Protocol

MRI (Confirm or rule out CVA)

This does not mean they did not have a TIA or

      aborted CVA post lytic


This Chronic Disease requires EDUCATION and should be monitored daily for control through diet, exercise, and medications.

What is Diabetes Mellitus

Hgb A1c >7 – Diabetic Educator Consult,

possible endocrinology referral and/or medication adjustment


Measures required on admission

What are

Yale Swallow Screen

This is required prior to anything taken by mouth (including meds)

Antithrombotic by day 2 (midnight)

ASA (rectal if NPO)

NIHSS on arrival

CT, CTA head and neck, MRI

VTE prophylaxis

Lipid profile within 48 hours

Admitted to unit with telemetry


The time sensitive  window for treatment with IV thrombolytic for patients with ischemic stroke?

What is 4.5 hours from Last Known Normal

ED- Door to Needle Goal <45 minutes


Hemorrhagic stroke patients systolic blood pressure goal

Goal SBP <140 mmHg

(maintain between 130-150 mmHg)


Vertigo and disequilibrium may be a symptom of a CVA in what area of the brain?

What is a posterior circulation stroke


This controllable risk factor deals with the pressure of circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels.

What is Hypertension


Regardless of LDL, ischemic stroke/TIA patients should be discharged on what intensity statin or have a physician documented reason for not prescribing

What is high intensity statin

Pt’s >75 years of age moderate or high intensity

*LDL should still be measured within 48 hrs of arrival


Patients with LVO should be considered for what treatment(s)

What is IV Thrombolytic therapy and/or

endovascular thrombectomy


Patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage may be candidates for what procedure

What is endovascular coiling or clipping

Performed at HMCN or CSC


The most important assessment for thrombolytic and thrombectomy consideration

What is the ACCURATE time for

“Last Known Normal”


This controllable risk factor should be assessed on admission for use within the last year. Education is required and cessation should be taught.

What is tobacco use

Printed Tobacco Cessation ExitCare should be provided to patient. 

The Hendrick Cancer Center takes referrals for one-on-one counseling for tobacco cessation with Linda Neill (requires physician referral)


Name 2 treatments acceptable for VTE prophylaxis in the stroke patient

Chemical Prophylaxis (Only ischemic/TIA)

  (enoxaparin, warfarin, heparin, apixiban or rivaroxaban)

Mechanical Prophylaxis

  (foot pumps or pneumatic compression device)

MUST FOLLOW ORDERS- Do not document “on approved chemical” in place of mechanical!


Ischemic Stroke patients with large vessel occlusion should be considered for endovascular thrombectomy (LVO Code) up to __ hours from last known normal

What is the 24 hour window for treatment

If last known normal 6-24 hours-

CT or MR perfusion required to determine eligibility


Patients diagnosed with an intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) may require what intervention(s) by neurosurgery  

What are


EVD (external ventricular drain)

Ensure EVD Care Orders are entered by neurosurgeon


The NIHSS is performed in this manner

What is a systematic NIHSS assessment without skipping steps

Notify physician of any increase in NIHSS


Additional controllable

risk factors for stroke

What are

High cholesterol

Poor Diet



Medication Noncompliance

Illicit Drug Use


Name three discharge measures for ischemic stroke/TIA

What is

Antithrombotic – ASA, clopidogrel, Aggrenox

High intensity statin

Anticoagulant for current/history of A.fib/flutter – warfarin, apixiban, etc.

PT/OT/ST referral addressed

Education – Remember HMC Stroke ExitCare and risk factor education (smoking cessation, DM, etc)

HMC Discharge summary questions related to stroke

NOTE- Hemorrhagic stroke patients should receive PT/OT/ST

and education related to diagnosis and risk factors 


Ischemic Stroke blood pressure goal(s)

With or without lytic/thrombectomy

No thrombolytic or thrombectomy –

      Permissive hypertension up to 220/120 mmHg

With IV thrombolytic or thrombectomy-

      Permissive HTN-Keep BP <180/105

      (Must be below 185/110 prior to lytic)


After the RRT team arrives, _____ activates the stroke code/alert

RRT-House supervisor or CCU Charge Nurse




This is the acronym for identifying a possible stroke

What is BEFAST

B*  Balance loss, trouble walking, dizziness

E*  Eyes blurred or visual changes such as double   vision or loss of vision in one or both eyes

F*  Facial droop, severe headache

A*  Arm weakness/drift or numbness in arm or leg   (especially on one side of the body)

S*  Speech slurring, trouble speaking, confusion

T*  Time to call RRT!


Patients diagnosed with an ischemic stroke/TIA should be screened for these conditions as contributing factors and for secondary prevention

What are

Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter

Carotid artery disease

PFO (patent foramen ovale)

Diabetes Mellitus



What is the specific ExitCare that should be completed on all Stroke Patients and individualized risk factors/goals completed

HMC Stroke

(with risk factors and goals)


Per policy, nursing should assess/document the neurological assessment and vital signs

At minimum, on admission, discharge and with any neurological change

GCS must be assessed and documented for hemorrhagic stroke patients or ischemic stroke patients severely confused, not following commands or sedated

Post thrombolytic or thrombectomy assessments

every 15 min x 8, every 30 min x 12, every hour x 16 (VS timed with NIHSS)

Follow unit specific policy for additional requirements  

Best practice- assess NIHSS together at shift change/nursing handoff


_____ is responsible for entering orders recommended during tele-neuro consult

Attending Physician

Tele-Neurologists are consultants only and make recommendations.

Nursing MUST facilitate communication between providers.