Natural vs. Man-Made
Ties and Struts and Other Structures
This or That

True or False: A Tall tower with a narrow base is stable



Name 2 Natural structures

bee hive, honey comb, tree, shells, nests etc.


How does a Tie work?

It holds two things together so that they do not separate when a force is applied. It stops two parts of a structure from being pulled apart


What is the difference between STRONG and STABLE

Strong means an object can support a lot of weight. Stable means an object will not fall over easily. It is well balanced.


Tell us a fact you learned from the Paper Bridge experiment.

Responses will vary


Name 5 man made structures

Any 5 that everyone else agrees on to be correct


How does a Strut work?

A strut keeps a structure up. It keeps it from collapsing or falling down when a force is applied. Use to stop two parts of a structure from being pushed together


What does Unstable mean?

An unbalanced structure. Something that can easily fall down or fall over


What is the strongest shape? Why?- Reflect on the Paper Bridge experiment

Triangles are the strongest shape. When you press the corners of a triangle the it does not change shape. Each side acts as a tie and a strut


Is a bridge a natural or man made structure?



What is a structure?

An object with a definite shape and size used to support a load


What would be more stable? A structure that is tall and skinny or short and wide?

Short and wide


In our experiment what was an effective way of making the paper tubes more stable?

Add beans to the tubes to make the bottom heavier.


What is the purpose of structures built by animals?

To create protected homes, to catch prey, for communication between members of the same species

Name three famous structures

Responses will vary


2 Tricks to making a strong structure 

Making a strong base. Making a wide base. Using triangles. Using ties and struts. Making sure the top is not too heavy.


What do you need to do to make a structure stable?

It is not easily moved or knocked over. It has a strong wide base and stands up on its own. It can also support a load without falling over. It is steady


Name an stable natural structure

egg shell, tree, mountains etc.


Define what a load is

A weight that is supported by something or someone


What is a structure that we see or use every day that we depend on to be strong and stable?

Office buildings, roofs, houses, stairs, ladders, chairs, desks, cars, etc.