What is load?
The weight or force that a structure needs to support.
What is a natural structure?
Natural structures are found in nature and are built by animals. These structures occur naturally in the environment.
What does strength mean?
The strength of a structure is its ability to support a load.
Do struts or ties resist pressure?
A person that builds a structure is a called a...
Construction worker
What is a famous structure in Paris, France?
The Eiffel Tower.
What is a human made structure?
Human made structures are made by people. They do not occur naturally in the environment.
What does stability mean?
The stability of a structure is its ability to balance and stay fixed in one spot.
What is an example of a strut?
A tent pole or a metal bar in a roof
A person that designs a structure is called an...
Why are structures important to humans?
Structures are important to humans because they give us a safe place to play, work, and live. Structures, like cranes, can help us build other structures.
List 3 examples of natural structures.
Nest, shell, tree, web, cave, beaver dam
What is the strongest shape?
A triangle.
What is an example of a tie?
Tent cord or a beam in a house
Compression is a force where something is...
Pushed together or squished down
What is one of the most important functions of a structure?
Its ability to support a load.
List 3 examples of built structures.
House, fence, ladder, bookshelf, chair, building
Why is a short structure more stable than a tall structure?
A short structure is more stable because it is lower to the ground.
What is a tie?
A tie is a beam or wire that helps support a structure with tension
Tension is a force where something is...
Pulled apart or stretched
A structure is something with a definite.... (4 things)
Shape, size, purpose, and can hold a load
Is a computer a structure? Why or why not?
It is not a structure because it does not hold a load.
What is an example of a famous strong and stable structure?
Pyramids, Eiffel Tower, CN Tower, Burj Khalifa, Great Wall of China
What is a strut?
A strut is a bar or rod that helps a structure resist pressure
What is the tallest built structure in the world?
Burj Khalifa