Cell Basics
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This rigid outer layer of cellulose protects and supports plant cells. Animal cells don't have this.

What is the cell wall?


These abbreviations are used to indicate the two kinds of nucleic acids.

What are DNA and RNA?


These smaller molecules are assembled into proteins.

What are amino acids?


These plant organelles capture light energy and store it in molecules to be used as food.

What are chloroplasts?


These macro-molecules include sugars, starches, and cellulose. Glucose is one example.

What are carbohydrates?

This gel-like fluid contains organelles, water, and chemicals the cell needs.
What is cytoplasm?
These coiled strands of DNA are located in the nucleus. Their name is related to the word "chromosomes".
What is chromatin?

This molecule finds amino acids in the cytoplasm and brings them to the ribosomes for assembly.

What is tRNA (transfer RNA)?


This molecule contains chemical energy that was converted from light energy; it is used by the cell as food.

What is glucose?


These macro-molecules are important in the cell membrane because they don't dissolve in water.

What are lipids?

This large sphere-shaped structure in the cell contains DNA and controls the cell's activities.
What is the nucleus?

This cell structure is like a ball within the nucleus and is where ribosomes are produced.

What is the nucleolus?


This is a protein molecule that has finished the first stage of production and is ready for further processing.

What is a signal peptide?


These organelles convert the energy in food molecules to a form the cell can use.

What are mitochondria?


This macro-molecule is assembled from amino acids. You need to eat enough of it if you are trying to build muscle.

What is protein?

These tiny cell structures help to manufacture proteins.
What are ribosomes?

Ribosomes enter the cytoplasm by exiting through these openings.

What are nuclear envelope pores?


This molecule made of amino acids is in its final form and is ready to be sent to the Golgi body.

What is a Completed Protein?


These organelles can store food molecules, but in plant cells they are mostly filled with water.

What are vacuoles?


This organelle is the FedEx of the cell. It helps "wrap things up".

What is the Golgi body?

These openings in the outer layer of plant cells allow materials to pass in and out.
What are cell wall pores?

This molecule makes a copy of the DNA instructions needed for making a protein.

What is mRNA (messenger RNA)?


This molecule made of amino acids has been wrapped in a membrane and is ready to be transported within or out of the cell.

What is a Packaged Protein?


These cell structures digest food molecules and recycle worn-out cell parts.

What are lysosomes?


This organelle is a maze of passageways through which proteins pass during their final stage of production.

What is the endoplasmic reticulum?