What galaxy is our Solar System in?
The Milky Way
What is the name of the largest galaxy cluster within the Local Supercluster?
The Virgo cluster
What is in the middle of the Milky Way?
A Super Massive Black Hole
What are the two largest galaxies that are in the Local Group?
the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy
What does SMBH stand for?
Super Massive Black Hole
Name one thing the Sun does for our Solar System
This term describes the gravitational pull that influences the motion of galaxies within the Local Supercluster.
Gravitational attraction
What type of galaxy is the Milky Way?
The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy.
Is the Local Group always moving? Why or Why not?
It is always moving because the galaxies are moving with it
What is most of the Universe made up of?
Dark energy
Why is the earth's spot in the Solar System called the "Goldilocks Zone"?
it is the perfect distance and temperature from the Sun where the conditions are “just right” to make it habitable for life.
why was it named the "Local Supercluster?"
It reflects its proximity to our own galaxy
How many different galaxies are there in our universe?
~200 billion
What are the two things that hold together the Local Group?
Gravity and dark matter
What is a lightyear?
a unit of astronomical distance equivalent to the distance that light travels in one year
Name all the planets in the Solar System in order starting from the sun
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Difference between Local Group and Local Supercluster?
The Local Group is a cluster of galaxies, while the Local Supercluster is a collection of clusters of galaxies
Name the four types of galaxies:
spiral, elliptical, peculiar, and irregular
What is the significance to the Local Group's name?
It is a group of isolated galaxies in a general area
Name all the different parts of the universe that we learned today from smallest to biggest
The Solar System, The Milky Way, The local Group, The Local Supercluster, The Universe