Plants use this structure to gather water and anchor them into the ground.
What is roots.
Penguins have feathers for this function.
What is to help protect their skin from water and glide.
Both birds and flowers use this feature to attract.
What is color.
Plants use this structure to gather sunlight to be transformed into energy.
What is leaves.
Fish have this structure to breathe.
What are gills.
Flowers and Alligators use this feature to attract.
What is scent
Bees are attracted to plants because of this structure.
What is the flowers.
Monkeys have this structure to help them balance and climb.
What is their tails.
Alligators and anteaters have a snout for this survival function.
What is gathering food.
Plants use this structure to store nutrients and reproduce.
What is fruit
Cats, and many other animals, have this structure to help them see at night.
What is night vision.
Porcupines have quills and cactus have spines for this purpose.
What is to protect themselves from predators.
Plants use this structure as a tunnel to the other plant structures.
What is the stem.
A peacock uses this structure to attract other peacocks.
What is their feathers.
Elephants use their trunks and giraffes use their neck for this survival function.
What is to gather food.