What is used to start and end a student council meeting?
Who are the Student Body President and Student Body Vice President!
Tradd Hodge and Miles Little
What assembly to we have in November?
Veteran's Day
During which spirit week did we crown a King and Queen?
Homecoming spirit week
What did president Tradd Hodge promise to build for the school if elected?
Gaga Ball Pit
The student council is made up of what 2 representative groups?
House and Senate
Who is the 7th grade Ambassador
Eliza Edwards
Who led the pledge at the Veterans Day Assembly?
Miles Little
What is the name of the day where you can wear what you sleep in?
Pajama Day
Name a student council member who has a parent as a teacher here at McCracken.
Marianna Hallenbeck
What position is the leader of the student council House of Representatives?
Speaker of the House
Who is the 6th grade Ambassador?
Suzanna Hodge
Who introduced the speaker at the Veterans Day Assembly?
Tradd Hodge
What was the name of the day where student could pay $1 and wear a hat?
Kidz in Lids
Who was last years student body Vice President.
Jane Close
How many US Senators are there?
Who is the Speaker of the House?
Elle Lemonds
What branch of the Military was the Veterans Day speaker from?
In what month did we have Spirit Week?
We had 3 student council members on the Volleyball team. Name them.
Ellen Jordan, Lily Scott Parris, Kirkland Bailey
Who was last years student body president?
Charlotte Ostwalt
Who are the 2 student council secretaries?
Abby Clementson and Harriet Lynch
Who did the closing at the Veterans Day Assembly?
Mrs. AJ
What day of the Spirit Week was the Rhyme without Reason day?
We have 5 pairs of siblings currently in Student Council. Name 3 of them.
Tradd & Suzanna Hodge
Rhett and Anna Perry Wiltfang
Eliza and Elaina Martin
Abby and Charlotte Clementson
Cecilia and Dric Battochio