Committee Basics
Legislation 101
SGA Terminology
Roberts Rules
Fun Facts

What is the primary role of a committee in SGA?

To focus on specific tasks or areas of student governance and propose solutions or initiatives.


What are the three different types of legislation in SGA?

Statues, Resolutions, and Letters


What does SGA stand for?

Student Government Association


What is the purpose of Robert’s Rules of Order in SGA meetings?  

To ensure meetings are conducted efficiently, fairly, and in an orderly manner.


Who is the current Dean of Students at UW-Stevens Point, and what are their key responsibilities?

Troy Seppelt

His responsibilities include overseeing student conduct, the Counseling Center, Student Health Service, the Center for Prevention, and leading the university’s threat assessment process.


What is the responsibilities of a committee chair?

1. To set the agenda

2. Lead meetings

3. Ensure committee tasks are completed efficiently

What is the difference between a statute and a resolution?

A statute sets policy and remains in effect until overturned, while a resolution requires action and typically expires at the end of the legislative session.


What is quorum?

The minimum number of voting members required to conduct official business.


What is a 'motion' in Robert’s Rules, and how is it introduced?

A motion is a formal proposal for the group to take action on a specific issue. It is introduced by saying, "I motion to…"


What is the maximum number of Senators that can serve in SGA?

30 Senators


What should a committee do if they cannot reach a decision on an issue?

The committee should document the discussion and escalate the issue to the appropriate governing body (e.g., Rules Committee or General Assembly)


Who has the power to veto legislation, and how can a veto be overridden?

The SGA President can veto legislation, and the Senate can override it with a two-thirds majority vote.


What is the difference between New Business and Old Business in an SGA meeting?

New Business refers to newly introduced legislation or topics for initial discussion, while Old Business includes items that have been previously discussed and are ready for voting.


What is the difference between a majority vote and a two-thirds vote in Robert’s Rules?

A majority vote requires more than half of the votes cast to pass, while a two-thirds vote requires at least two-thirds of the votes cast.


What is the title of the SGA officer responsible for managing the SGA's internal budget?

Executive Director


What should you do once a piece of legislation (resolution or statute) passes through a committee?

Submit a title page and the legislation to the Speaker of the Senate.


What happens to a bill after it passes through the Rules Committee?

It is placed on the Senate agenda as New Business for initial discussion and then moves to Old Business for voting.


What is the process for disciplining an Executive Officer for misconduct according to the Bylaws?  

Misconduct must be reported in writing to the Executive Director, President, and SGA Advisor. If mediation fails, the President decides the final action.


What is the purpose of a 'Point of Order,' and when can it be raised?

A Point of Order is used to address a breach in meeting rules or procedures. It can be raised at any time during the meeting.


Which SGA committee oversees both allocable and non-allocable student fees, and how are decisions finalized?

The Segregated University Fee Allocation Committee (SUFAC) oversees these fees, with decisions approved by the Senate and reviewed by the university administration


What happens if a committee chair cannot attend a scheduled meeting?

The Chair must notify all committee members before the scheduled meeting time. 

What are the steps required to successfully amend the SGA Constitution, from start to finish?

First, an amendment must be submitted to the Constitution Review Committee for consideration. Then, it must pass with a two-thirds majority vote of the fully seated Senate. Finally, the amendment must be ratified by a majority vote of the student body.


What is the difference between a standing committee and an ad-hoc committee in SGA?

A standing committee is a permanent committee with ongoing responsibilities outlined in the SGA Bylaws, such as Legislative Affairs or Inclusivity. An ad-hoc committee is temporary and created to address specific issues or projects, dissolving once its task is completed.


What are the three types of amendments that can be made to a motion, and how do they differ?

Primary Amendment: Directly modifies the main motion.

Secondary Amendment: Modifies the primary amendment but not the main motion directly.

Friendly Amendment: A minor change accepted by the motion's maker without requiring a vote.


What year was the SGA at UW-Stevens Point established?