Handbook P 1-5
Handbook P 6-8
Handbook P 9-12
Handbook P 13-16
Handbook P 16-21

You will be ineligible for extracurricular activities and get a one-week probationary period the following week.

What happens if a student grades include (3) D's or (1) F at the beginning of any week?


No less than half of the school day unless waived.

How long must I be at school to be eligible to participate in or attend activities that night?


Keep it in your locker.

Book bag...and cell phone!


Bottom of page 12 - page 14.

Where are behavior consequences?


1st Offense - One day ISS

2nd Offense - Two-day ISS and a parent conference

3rd Offense - Parent meeting will be held to deem further action.

What are the consequences of Tobacco Use / Vaping?



What is the maximum credit you may receive if your assignment is 2-3 days late? 


Copying information from a source without proper attribution.

What is the 7th bullet of Academic Dishonesty (plagiarism)?


4th sentence under "Dress Code".

Where does it say, "Each student shall be responsible for maintaining appropriate school dress and personal grooming standards, which result in a neat, clean personal appearance. Extreme or sloppy styles that are distracting and disruptive to the learning environment will not be allowed."?


ISS, 4 pts (first offense)

What happens on the first offense of an unexcused absence?


The student will receive a suspension for (OSS/ISS) for 3-5 days.

What is the consequence of fighting?


I contribute to a positive learning environment.

What is the 4th guiding principle in the Valley Heights Student Mission Statement?


It is posted in each classroom. 

Where is our classroom emergency drill information?


Discuss academic progress, set goals, introduce or reinforce study skills, enrichment opportunities, time for clubs, organizations, pep rallies, etc. 

What is the purpose of Seminar


 50 minutes detention.

Multiple answers. 


Bullying by the use of any electronic communication device through means including, but not limited to email, instant messaging, text messages, blogs, mobile phones, pagers, online games and websites.

What is cyberbullying?


Students have the responsibility to collect missing work before the event and those assignments will be due immediately upon return?

What is the grading policy for a planned absence?


You must report to the office to receive a pass.

What do you do if you are tardy?


Page 10 second and third bolded headings.

Where are the technology policies?


25 minutes of detention.

Multiple answers.  See pages 12-14


Any intentional gesture or any intentional written, verbal, electronic, or physical act or threat that is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that creates an intimidating threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student or staff member that a reasonable person, under the circumstances, knows or should know will have the effect of...

What is bullying?


3.99 - 3.50

What do I have to get to be on the Honor Roll?


Stickers, posting of inappropriate material, food/drink.

Things you DO NOT put in your locker.


Third bolded heading on page 12.

Where are behavior expectations?


Points, where and when detention is served.

What are the 3 bullets after the discipline matrix about?


Page 20 to 21.

Where is the Random Drug Testing Policy (USD 498 Policy)?