Campus Policies

The number of tardies students can have in one week without receiving detention

What is four


When balloons are allowed on campus

What is never


HIB stands for this

What is Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying


Where gambling is allowed at school

What is nowhere - gambling is prohibited at all school events 


The minimum percentage students must earn to get a D in a class

What is 60%

If leaving campus early, students must be sure to do this...

What is sign out at the attendance office


When students are allowed to bring guests to school

What is never


Where a student can report and incident of HIB (harassment, intimidation, or bullying)

What is the SafeSchools or Vector Alert Tip Reporting System


The two categories of behavior on the CHS Behavior Flow Chart

What are Minor/Teacher Managed and Major/Admin Managed


The GPA required to be eligible for Honor Roll

What is 3.5 or above


The amount of class a student must attend to not be considered absent

What is 50%


The alliterative term which means students cannot leave school premises without permission

What is a closed campus


Two specific kinds of harassment that are explicitly prohibited by school board policy and federal law

What is discriminatory harassment and sexual harassment


A term that means working with students to repair the harm their actions caused as a more natural and effective consequence for misbehavior than straight punishment

What is Restorative Practices


The grade students must be in to earn an Academic Letter

What is 10th grade or higher


The two reasons a student may lose their hall pass privileges

What is leaving the classroom without signing out on the iPad or consistently being gone for longer periods of time than allotted


The three areas students can be during lunch

What are the Commons, Courtyard, or Library


Term that means treating individuals consistent with their gender identity, including calling students by their requested pronouns and allowing students to use restrooms that align with their gender identify. These rights are protected by Washington state law.

What is gender-inclusive


Four types of clothing prohibited at school (note: there are more than four)

What is clothing with drugs or alcohol, gangs, discriminatory speech, weapons, or clothing considered overly sexual (including wearing undergarments as tops or shorts)


The number of official transcripts students can request from the counseling office at no cost

What is six transcripts


The three levels of absences (#of days per semester) that trigger attendance interventions

What is five, seven, and eleven days absent


Three areas students should not be during lunch (note: there are more than three)

What are classroom hallways, student parking lots, athletic fields, wooded areas, on 150th, Eagle Rock campus, off campus


Two of the three organizations that can assist with harassment or discrimination if it is not being solved by CHS or the Riverview School District

What are the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), Washington State Governor's Office of the Education Ombuds (OEO), or the US Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR)

Three extra rules for dances in addition to regular school behavior expectations (note: there are more than three)

What are shoes must be worn at all times, no bags or backpacks, no outside food or drink, no sexually suggestive dancing, and no moshing


Three of the four reasons the counseling center will honor a schedule change request

What is 

1. An incomplete schedule

2. Not enrolled in a course needed for graduation requirements

3. Enrolled in a course at the wrong level

4. Enrolled in a course not selected in the registration process