Hispanic Cultural Practices
Diabetes Fact
Dia De Los Muertos
Diet for Diabetics
Healthy Heritage

Originally from Mexico, this traditional Latin American celebration marks a girl's transition from childhood to womanhood on her 15th birthday



This form of diabetes, which frequently develops in adulthood and is linked to lifestyle factors such as diet and physical inactivity, is characterized by the body's resistance to insulin  

Type 2 diabetes


On Día de los Muertos, this activity is a common way to honor the deceased, involving the creation of elaborate altars in cemeteries adorned with candles, flowers, and photos



This sweet fruit, known for being high in fiber and low in calories, is often recommended for diabetics as a healthy snack option (hint: keep the doctor away!)



Instead of using white rice, diabetics can choose this whole grain option that has more fiber and can help manage blood sugar levels.

Brown rice


This popular Latin American dance, characterized by its energetic rhythm and syncopated movements, originated in the Caribbean and has become widely known around the world



This hormone, produced by the pancreas, is essential for regulating blood sugar levels by allowing glucose to enter cells


In Guatemala, this colorful festival takes place on November 1st and is known for its large, vibrant kites that are flown to honor and communicate with the spirits of the deceased

Festival de Barriletes Gigantes (Festival of Giant Kites)


This type of food, often recommended for diabetics, is rich in protein and can help manage hunger and blood sugar levels. Examples include chicken, fish, and tofu 

Lean proteins


In place of traditional fried tortillas, diabetics can opt for these alternative versions that are lower in fat and calories (hint: cooking method)

Baked or grilled tortillas


This annual festival, celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, honors deceased loved ones with altars, offerings, and vibrant decorations, primarily in Mexico

Día de los Muertos


This test measures average blood glucose levels over the past two to three months and is used to diagnose and monitor diabetes management

A1C Test


In El Salvador, this unique celebration involves people dressing as skeletons, dancing through the city, and using the event to honor indigenous culture and resist the influence of Spanish colonization

La Calabiuza


This type of fat, found in nuts, avocados, and olive oil, is beneficial for heart health and can be a part of a balanced diet for managing diabetes

Unsaturated fats (Unsaturated fats, which are liquid at room temperature, are considered beneficial fats because they can improve blood cholesterol levels, ease inflammation, stabilize heart rhythms, and play a number of other beneficial roles.)


To replace traditional high-carb side dishes like refried beans, diabetics can opt for this lower-carb, fiber-rich option often used in Latin cuisine.

Black beans or lentils


This Nicaraguan festival, celebrated on December 7th, honors the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary with vibrant processions, traditional hymns, and festive decorations.

La Purísima


This type of diabetes, which can occur during pregnancy and usually resolves after childbirth, increases the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later in life

Gestational diabetes


In Ecuador, particularly in Cuenca and Quito, families honor their deceased by bringing _________ (a drink made from black corn and red fruits), and this special type of bread, known as "_________", which means "babies" in Quechua.  

Colada morada, guaguas


This type of dietary fiber, found in foods like beans and oats, helps to slow the absorption of sugar and manage blood sugar levels

Soluble fiber (Soluble fibers mix with water and slow digestion. They are associated with a decreased risk of heart disease, decreased cholesterol levels, and better blood sugar control. Soluble fiber can be found in some grains, seeds, legumes, and various vegetables.)


Instead of traditional high-fat meats such as chorizo, diabetics can use this leaner option, which is lower in saturated fat and still provides plenty of flavor 

Chicken, turkey, beef sirloin, and pork


In this annual Dominican Republic festival, celebrated in February, locals and visitors enjoy lively parades with colorful masks and costumes, featuring characters like the Diablo Cojuelo.

Carnaval de la Vega


This condition, a potential complication of diabetes, involves severe and prolonged high blood sugar levels that can lead to dehydration and altered mental status, and may require emergency medical treatment

Diabetic ketoacidosis


In Bolivia, Día de los Muertos is marked by this traditional festival held on November 1st and 2nd, featuring offerings of food, music, and "_______" bread, which is shaped like dolls and represents the deceased



This important nutrient, often found in foods like fish, nuts, and seeds, is known to support heart health and can be a beneficial part of a diabetic diet

Omega-3 fatty acids (Omega 3 lowers blood pressure, reduces triglycerides in the blood, helps reduce joint inflammation in rheumatoid disease, helps nourish brain and eyes functions, helps prevent and alleviate dementia, depression, asthma, migraine, and diabetes, and helps reduce the risk and preventing heart disease and ischemic stroke.)


Instead of using regular white flour for empanada dough, diabetics can choose this alternative flour that has a lower glycemic index and is higher in fiber

Almond flour or whole wheat flour