General Medicine
Eligibility, Fees and Insurance
Nuts N Bolts
Special Programs
True or False: Student Health is part of UVa Hospital.
False! Student Health and the Hospital are separate entities and operate very differently. Student Health houses two hospital satellite offices: Pharmacy and Laboratory. While Student Health doesn't accept money or file for insurances except the University health insurance, Aetna Student Health, the Pharmacy and Laboratory will.
New policy starting last year! If a student fails to show up for their scheduled appointment, what will happen?
They will be charged a $25 no-show fee.
What is CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services)?
Counseling and Psychological Services is where students can seek mental health services. A visit with a counselor or attending group therapy sessions is included in your student fees.
Where is Elson Student Health Center located?
400 Brandon Ave, off JPA. In between the South Lawn and the UVA Hospital.
True or False: Students can transfer their home allergy records and home allergy serums to SH, where they will be stored at the allergy clinic.
TRUE! Students can transfer their home allergy records and home allergy serum to Student Health where they will be stored at the Allergy Clinic.
Where can students can fill prescriptions and pick up over-the counter medications?
The pharmacy inside student health! (Half credit for answering CVS on the corner) Summer hours are M-F, 12pm-4:30pm. School year hours are M-F, 9am-5pm, closed daily 1:00pm-1:45pm.
These are some of the services that are 100% covered by your tuition and fees, and would result in NO charge to the student. (Name at least one)
*A visit with the health care provider (Doctor, Nurse, Dietician, Counselor) *24-triage on-call service (offered by both GM and CAPS) *Health Promotion Programming
What is the Office of Health Promotion?
This department produces the Stall Seat Journal, houses a nutritionist and three peer education programs, and has free condoms outside their door.
What are the operating hours of Student Health?
Mon-Fri, 8:00am-4:30pm (5pm during the school year). Student health has shortened hours during summer and winter breaks.
What services are offered at UVa to help a student who has concerns about their diet? BONUS: What would the cost be for these services?
A student could make an appointment with the nutritionist in the Office of Health Promotion, the nutritionist who works for the dining halls, or schedule a visit with a Peer Health Educator in OHP. BONUS: All these services are offered for no charge.
TRUE OR FALSE: You must have an appointment in order to be seen at Student Health
False! You can walk-in during business hours if you're not feeling well. However, if you schedule an appointment, you been seen more promptly. During very busy times, low-severity walk-ins may be rescheduled to another time in the day or asked to return the following day.
What are are some of the services that would result in a charge to the student? (Name at least one)
Services that result in a charge: -Lab tests such as strep or STI testing (most are billed to insurance) -Pharmacy (most insurance cards accepted) -IV Fluids/EKG -Referral services: x-ray, physical therapy, CAT scan -ER visits
What is the Department of Gynecology?
This is where students can receive a pap smear or an annual exam, discuss birth control options and be tested for STIs.
What is Healthy Hoos?
This is the online system used by UVA Student Health that allows you to schedule an appointment with allergy or travel immunizations, view confidential messages from your health care provider, and print any necessary forms.
What event happens every fall where students can get immunized from a pesky virus?
The Flu Clinic, held at Newcomb Hall
This is where orienting students and their parents can go to visit representatives from all facets of Student Health and ask any questions.
What is the resource fair during Day 2 of Orientation, from 12:30-2:30 in the Newcomb Hall Ballroom?
If an incoming student needs urgent care during Orientation, what health care centers are available to them?
Urgent Care: UVA or Martha Jefferson Emergency Room, or an Urgent Care Center (MedExpress, Seminole Square, daily 9am-9pm)
What is the Gordie Center for Substance Abuse Prevention?
This department presents educational, evidence-based programming around issues of alcohol, tobacco and drugs and hazing prevention in addition to recovery support. They are located in the Office of Health Promotion.
What is the form that incoming student must turn in by August 31 detailing information? What happens if they don't turn it in? (Two part answer!)
The Pre-Entrance Health Form (PEHF). *It covers information about health status, insurance coverage, and immunizations. This information is required to comply with state and federal laws, and so Student Health can provide you the best possible care. Failure to turn it in results in a $100 fine and they may have their registration blocked.
True or False: If students need a specific vaccine for international travel, they must make an appointment at the UVA hospital or with their own health care provider at home.
FALSE! Student Health offers an International Travel Clinic at Student Health with a certified travel physician - which is awesome by the way! Appointments should be made for 6 weeks prior to travel (although some immunity occurs 1-2 weeks after immunization).
These are some of the reasons why a UVa student would want to visit Student Health rather than seeking out a primary care doctor in the community.
-Doctors and nurses at SH love working with students and many have spent their careers specializing in this field -Understanding common ailments of students -Thorough visits -Convenient location -Joint Commission accredited -Umbrella of holistic care, focus on the whole student, addressing both physical and mental care -Focus on prevention and education
If YOU (an OL) needs health care this summer, where can you go, and what would the charge be?
Student Health! There is a $10 per visit charge for students not enrolled in summer classes. For students enrolled in a summer course, appointments are no charge.
If a student is having a mental health crisis or experiencing suicidal thoughts on the weekend, the student's RA, friend or roommate could take them to the ER, or .....
Place a call to the 24-hour crisis line at CAPS (434-972-7004)
What is the Health Insurance Hard Waiver Program?
The new required annual program where students must verify with the University that they have health insurance, and that this insurance is "comparable". The deadline is September 15th, after which, students who have not completed the online waiver will automatically be enrolled in Aetna Student Health ($2,613 annually).
These are the REQUIRED tests/vaccinations that a student must have before entering UVA. (There are SIX)
What are MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella), Polio, TdaP (Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis), Tb Screening, Hepatitis B, Meningitis?