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True or False: Careers in the Oil and Gas industry are exclusively for men.

What is False?


What percentage of Canada's Energy needs are met by Natural gas?

What is 33% of Canada's needs?


Oil isn't just used for fueling cars and airplanes. It's also a key ingredient in many everyday products, name some of those Products.

What is plastics, manufacturing of clothing, medicines, cosmetics, and even crayons?


This popular Netflix series follows a group of kids in Hawkins as they encounter supernatural forces.

What is Stranger Things?


Name one of many educational pathways that can equip you for a career in the oil and gas industry.

What is Business (HR, Communications, Finance/Accounting), Geology, Engineering, Trades and many more!


Since 2012 Nuvista's absolute methane emissions reduced by 57%, which is equivalent of how many passenger cars off the road?

What is 17,000 cars off the road?


What does LNG stand for?

What is Liquified Natural Gas?


This battle video game, released by Epic Games, is known for its dance emotes.

What is Fortnite?


True or False: The industry doesn’t care about the environment.

What is False?


What is the term used to describe the process of restoring land used for oil and gas extraction to its natural state?

What is reclamation?


What is the primary method used to extract conventional oil in Alberta?

What is drilling?


What is the name of the fictional city where Batman operates?

What is Gotham City?


What is one of the industries top priorities, implementing world class practices?

What is Health and Safety?


What company in 2022 was the largest natural gas producer in Canada?

What is Tourmaline Oil?


What is the main method of transport for oil & gas over long distances?

What is pipeline transportation?


 Which singer is known for her hits "Bad Guy" and "Ocean Eyes"?

What is Billie Eilish?


Contrary to the belief that only large corporations benefit from oil and gas operations, name additional communities that benefit from the oil and gas industry.

What is our local economy by creating high quality job opportunities, and our local at risk communities through giving back and charitable efforts.


Since 2012 , NuVista has reclaimed an area of land equivalent to how many NFL Football fields?

What is 750 NFL football fields?


What percentage of Canada's total oil production comes from Alberta?

What is approx 80% of Canada's total oil production comes from Alberta?


In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, what is the name of Tony Stark's artificial intelligence system?

What is  J.A.R.V.I.S. (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System)?