What services does the counseling center provide?
Academic advising, Mental Health counseling, transfer services for CONTINUING students.
True or False
Students can make payments
-In person
-Through their MySCC portal
-Over the phone
Students can only make payments
-In person
-Through their MySCC portal
Students that had accommodations in High School will automatically receive services here at SCCC.
Students must self-identify to the College and need to submit documentation to the Office of Disability Services. They can register at any time but we recommend submitting documentation as early as possible.
What children are accepted to the center?
The center accepts children of students, faculty and the community. There is a priority for students.
True or False
The Office of Advising & Testing provides advising appointments to ALL Suffolk students
False! The Office of Advising & Testing advises ONLY NEW students.
Continuing students are referred to the Counseling Center.
True or False
Counselors meet with students to help build schedules.
Counselors advise students based on degree requirements and send students to the AAMC for schedule building.
What is the minimum bill amount for a student to go on the Tuition Payment Plan (TPP)?
Tuition Payment Plan options will appear on the students bill providing their bill is at least $300
There are no TPP's for Winter & Summer semesters
Students can be screened / tested for learning disabilities through The Office of Disability Support Services.
Suffolk County Community College does not provide screening or testing for disabilities but our office can provide referrals if a student has not been previously diagnosed.
Health Services does which of the following:
a) Administers First Aid and makes referrals for injuries
b) Provides treatment and referral for acute illnesses
c) Provides Health Education programs and referrals
d) Evaluates special parking requests
e) All of the above
In addition to providing treatment and referrals, some of the programming they are responsible for include: STD/HIV Testing, smoking cessation classes, blood drives and substance abuse awareness programs.
The New Student Advising appointments lasts approximately 2-3 hours and consists of a one hour lab orientation, a thirty minute meeting with a counselor to select courses, and choosing course days/times in the Academic Advising & Mentoring Center (AAMC), and submitting Registration Form at the Registrar.
True or False
Evening hours are Monday-Thursday 5:00P.M. to 5:45P.M.
Evening hours are Monday-Thursday 5:00P.M. to 5:45P.M. WHEN CLASSES ARE IN SESSION. :)
If a student has a credit balance on their account, they may pick up their refund check at the cashier's office.
Cashier's office does not process immediate refunds. They are automated and generate a check back to the student at the address on record, (regardless of WHO PAID). Refund dates vary depending on why the student is receiving a refund. Different types of Financial Aid pay out at different points in the semester.
Once students have approved accommodations, they may utilize them at any time.
Students must meet with a Counselor and sign forms before utilizing the approved accommodations.
True or False
Heath Services can remove MMR holds on student records, but students need to turn in their immunization records to Central Admissions.
Health Services is responsible for the intake of all immunization records such as Measles Mumps & Rubella (MMR). They intake all of the Health History and Meningitis Acknowledgement forms for compliance with PHL 2167. Health Services also intakes all the Health requirements for the Nursing & Allied Health Students clearing them for clinical rotations. Health Services also supplies students with copies of their immunization records for transfer to other colleges.
Students taking the CPT as allowed to use calculators.
Students may be approved in advance by Disability Services to have accommodations for the CPT, e.g. calculator, reader.
True or False
1. Transfer counseling is available on a walk-in basis
2. How does a student learn of open door hours for the counseling center?
1. FALSE, Transfer counseling is available by appointment only. Call 631-451-4053
2. Open Door hours are provided weekly and are subject to change. Hours are posted on www.facebook.com under SCC Advising
When should a student with a financial hold be directed to the cashier?
Student should be directed to the cashier BEFORE any other department addresses their requests. The cashier can determine what generated the financial block and direct student on how to proceed.
Disability Support Services provides special tutoring and academic coaches for students with disabilities.
.We do not have academic coaches or other special tutoring for students with disabilities but can refer students to the many tutoring options available on campus
SCC Students may utilize the Child Care Center as needed.
There is NO DROP IN CARE – all children must have a regular schedule for the semester. In addition, there is a minimum of 3 hours per day and 9 hours per week for children.
ALL new students must take all four sections of the placement exam
Students may be waived from all or certain sections of the CPT based on SAT/ACT or High School/College transcripts as determined by The Office of Admissions.
When is it mandatory that a student meets with an academic counselor?
(HINT) Holds
Students requiring signatures for probation, developmental studies, and advising & testing holds.
What should a student with a collections hold do?
Once an account has been placed with a collection agency, the student MUST correspond with that agency directly. SCCC no longer has the ability to discuss the account with them. We can provide the name and phone number of the agency they are placed with but, beyond that, ALL correspondence must be made directly with the agency.
Students may select which classes and /or exam they wish to use their approved accommodations
It's not all or none!
Students may select to use their accommodations for 1 of 3 classes, etc., etc.
Staffing for the center is provided by students in the Early Childhood degree program
All Center staff are certified in their field, are background checked and all staff must take continuous training to maintain the center license. The center is a 4Star QualitystarNY accredited center and National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accredited.
Students may take the placement exam and be advised prior to submitting immunization records.
Students will not be scheduled for a New Student Advising appointment without proof of their MMR on file and will not be able to register without both MMR and Meningitis records on file.