True or False, failure can aid you on your path to success.
True. Failure can be a learning opportunity and/or motivator. You only fail to reach your goals when you stop trying to pursue them.
Name three offices/support programs that can aid you on your success journey.
Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, Counseling, EOPS, SAS, Transfer Center, Student Activities, etc.
The best way to keep up with deadlines and test preparation for your classes is to...
Get familiar with your course syllabi and go to class!
What are the 3 tiers of the California higher education system?
California Community Colleges
California State Universities
Universities of California
In which city was I born?
Manhattan (Harlem), New York City.
How often should you meet with a counselor to discuss your academic goals?
At least once each semester.
True or False: California Community Colleges offer courses that can help you be more successful in college that are also transferable to CSU and/or UC institutions.
True. PD or Personal Development courses aim to help students adjust to college, choose a major and career, transfer to a university, and improve study or test-taking skills.
When is the last day to drop a full-term class without any consequence?
Last day to drop a full-term class without receiving a W grade and be eligible for a refund is usually 2 weeks after the semester begins.
How many UCs are there in California?
How many children do I have?
If planning to transfer after completing your degree, when should you discuss your plans with a counselor?
As soon as possible.
What is Student Lingo and why should you utilize it?
Student Lingo offers on-demand student success workshops. 40+ workshops are available 24/7 from the Ohlone website.
What is the number one enemy of time management?
Procrastination. We all do it but don't let procrastination derail your success. Set deadlines and do your best to stick to them.
How many CSUs are there in California?
What was my intended major when first started my college career? (Hint: I only lasted two weeks)
Civil Engineering.
True or False. Smaller goals that are stepping stones to long-term goals.
True. One way to tackle a large goal is by breaking it down into smaller more achievable goals.
True or False: Most tutoring opportunities are provided at no charge (free) and are available to all enrolled students to help them meet their academic goals.
True. Most colleges offer free tutoring for its students. Tutoring services are usually offered by each discipline but this varies depending on the institution.
What is a SEP and why is it important to your success?
SEP or Student Education Plan is a roadmap of the classes you need to complete in order to reach your academic goals. By following you SEP you can save yourself time and money.
How many California Community Colleges are there?
What learning disability do I struggle with?
What are the 5 rules for goal setting? (Hint: S.M.A.R.T.)
Goals should be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, & Time-based
What do early alert systems like Starfish aim to do for students?
Early alert systems like Starfish are student success tool that helps identify struggling students quickly, pinpoints areas of concern, and attempt to connect students to support services such as advising, tutoring, and more!
Who are some of the people in your Success Network?
Family, friends, classmates, Ohlone faculty and staff, yourself, etc. Any and all individuals that help you achieve your goals, motivate, and/or inspire you to be your best.
How more money will the average college graduate earn over their lifetime than an average high school graduate?
$1 million. That's equal to 20 fewer years of working a $50K a year job.
What's my name and professional title?
Tijan White, Student Success Coordinator.