Enlightenment Period
Economic Market Systems
Economic Philosophers + Other Important People
Social Reformers
Sepoy War & Taiping Rebellion & Boxing Rebellion

What was Montesquieu known for?

Separation of Powers, executive, legislative, and judicial to keep the powers in check and balance.

Executive branch: Enforces laws

Legislative branch: Makes laws

Judicial branch: Interpret laws

What is communism?

Community share


What was Adam Smith known for?

Wrote book, 1776 "The Wealth of Nations"

government should not interfere

free economy/free markets, liberty=economic progress

Law of self interest=work for yourself

Law of competition=people will work harder if competing

Supply & demand=Make sure there is enough goods & is affordable


What was John Stuart Mill known for?

People should judge ideas, institutions & actions on basis of their utility or usefulness

Led utilitarian movement, help ordinary working people with policies for equality. 

No great differences in wealth

Women rights


Before everything happened? (Sepoy War)

People believed it was because India wasn't a nation yet


What was Mary Wollstonecraft known for?

Equality for women rights


What is socialism?

For the people.

Most people have property.

Belongs to the workers.


What was Thomas Malthus known for?

Most people destined to be poor & miserable.

Need wars to get rid of extras.

Population increases more than food.


What were Charles Fourier and Henri de Saint-Simon known for?

Government mans economy

Government control=end poverty & promote equality

Factors of productions owned by public & operate for welfare of all

Belief in progress

Concern for social justice


Before everything happened but not the last thing before (Sepoy War)

British came & tried taking control

disrespected customs, racist regulations

high taxes, expanded power

recruited Indian soldiers to stamp out resistance, resistance=will use force


What was Roussseau known for?

Society corrupted natural goodness in people.

Direct democracy=best way to protect freedom

Social Contract=Government protects if you give up rights

What is capitalism?

For big corporations.

All about profiting.

Fuel economic growth.


What was David Ricardo known for?

Permanent underclass=always poor, many workers &abundant resources=labor & resources cheap for workers & scarce resources=expensive

wages forced down as populations increased.


What were Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels known for?

Book="The Communist Manifesto"

Economic forces alone dominated society

human societies always divided into classes

worldwide rebellion against Bourgeoisie (middle class)


capitalist system dies eventually, workers sharing=economic equality


Last thing before the war (Sepoy War)

Ammunition used by soldiers=animal fat, pigs were dirty and cows were holy.

People sent to prison for not using it.


King Louis XIV & Queen Elizabeth

divine right



Freedom of press


What was William Wilberforce known for?

abolishment of slavery


Taiping Rebellion

Causes: Tyranny

Description: attracted many famine stricken peasants, leaders fought

Effect: Leaders quarreled, reforms weren't complete, Taiping defeated


John Locke & Thomas Hobbes

John Locke- people make good decisions if provided proper info, governments made with approval from people being governed. Governments should protect the people, Life, liberty, property.

Thomas Hobbes-all humans are naturally wicked. absolute monarchy. governments made to protect people from their own selfishness


Bismarck (Germany unification), Garibaldi (Italy unification) Camillo Benso, Mazzini

Chancellor of Prussia, "Iron and blood" speech

The sword, led volunteer army

The brain, count of cavour

The heart


What was Horace Mann known for?

free public education for all


Boxing Rebellion

Cause: Drive away all foreigners & destroy Mongol Ching dynasty

Description: Peasant uprising, practiced boxing rituals to be invulnerable to bullets, kill chinese christians