Answer in 2-3 sentences:
How did Jim Crow laws affect African Americans in the South?
Segregation of schools, parks, libraries, cemeteries, restrooms, transportation, restaurants and other private and public institutions.
15th Amendment
Gave African American men the right to vote
What were Jim Crow laws?
a) Laws that gave African Americans equal rights
b) Laws that kept racial segregation in place
c) Laws that ended slavery
d) Laws that protected voting rights
b) Laws that kept racial segregation in place
What does segregation mean?
Separation of people based on race.
2. Why was Reconstruction important for African Americans?
For the first time legally protected from racialized enslavement, recognized as United States citizens, and legally guaranteed the rights of that status.
14th Amendment
Gave citizenship and equal protection under the law
What did the 13th Amendment do?
a) Allowed slavery in the South
b) Gave women the right to vote
c) Abolished slavery
d) Created segregation laws
c) Abolished slavery
What does abolitionist mean?
A person who wanted to end slavery.
3. How were free states different from slave states before the Civil War?
A free state was one in which they were prohibited.
13th Amendment
Abolished slavery
What was the purpose of the Freedmen’s Bureau?
a) To help newly freed African Americans with jobs and education
b) To force African Americans to return to plantations
c) To support segregation laws
d) To create new slave codes
a) To help with newly freed African Americans with jobs and education
What does reconstruction mean?
The time period after the Civil War.
4. How did women’s suffrage impact future generations?
In the United States before 1865, a slave state was a state in which slavery and the internal or domestic slave trade were legal, while a free state was one in which they were prohibited.
Freedmen’s Bureau
Helped former slaves with education, housing, and jobs
What was the Underground Railroad?
a) A real train that carried former slaves
b) A system of secret routes that helped enslaved people escape
c) A law about voting rights
d) A road built in the South
b) A system of secret routes that helped enslaved people escape
What is emancipation mean?
The act of setting someone free.
5. Why was slavery called a system of “no freedom, no rights”?
All slaves, no matter how they were treated, suffered because they had no freedom.
Black Codes
Laws that restricted African Americans’ rights after the Civil War
What was the main goal of abolitionists?
a) To create new laws for the South
b) To end slavery
c) To support Reconstruction
d) To start new colonies
b) To end slavery.
What does suffrage mean?
The right to vote.