Great Depression
New Deal
Alcohol Prohibition
Economic Devastation
Consumer, credit, and convenience

What were some causes of the Great depression?

Bank Failures, Overproduction, Drought conditions 


Who made the New Deal?

Huey P. Long


What was made illegal with the passing of the 18th Amendment?

Any Manufacturing, transport, and sell of alcoholic beverage


What were many farmers forced to do as the "Dust Bowl" continued?

Farmer moved west to find work in farmland of california 


Which household appliance helped power companies expand their business?

Electrical appliance ex.toaster


What are three things that made it difficult for families to pay monthly mortgage payments?

Unemployment rate, lower profits on goal, and the decline in agriculture


Why was the new deal created?

To help economically disadvantaged people in Louisiana during the great depression 


When was the 18th Amendment ratified?

January 16, 1919


How did the U.S. implement protection in its trade with other countries?

Higher tariffs on import goods


How did refrigerator companies make their product accessible to the average American?

Refrigerator companies offer customers option to buy on credit


What happened because of property values severely decreasing?

Homeowner couldn't sold their home for the amount they owned for them


What were some of the New Deal key features?

Federal work programs, Environmental improvement, Farm assistance programs, Increased rights for Labor 


When was American Temperance Society founded?



What was the purpose of Americans buying stocks "on margin?"

Get a loan to invest in the stock market


How did the increase in household products impact women who were homemakers?

People had expectation for homemakers increased


Why were makeshift communities called Hoovervilles?

To show dissatisfaction with how president Hoover was handling the economic crisis


What were some of the effects of this new program in short-term?

Some of the effects in short-term, it helped improve the lives of people suffering from the events of the depression.


How did the temperance movement affect the lives of immigrants in the U.S.?

The temperance movement affects the lives of immigrants in the U.S. by increasing hostility toward immigrants.


What led to overproduction in the U.S.

there were more goods produced and consumer


What caused demand for product to fall throughout the 1920s?

Income inequalities increased throughout the decades


How did churches and other groups in America try to help people during the Great Depression? 

Soup Kitchen, they provide food for many people during the great depression


What were some of the effects in the long run?

The long term was that it set a precedent for the federal government to play a key role in the economic and social affairs of the nation.


What was two reasons Congress Repealed Prohibition of alcohol through the 21st Amendment?

increase in crime, Government needed tax money from alcohol sale after the economy collapsed in 1929, There were too many speakeasies that sold alcohol as if there were no law


What caused the Midwestern area of the U.S. to be known as the "Dust Bowl?" 

Drought caused dust to cover house, barn, road, and fence


How did higher tariffs on exported goods affect the U.S. Government's relationships with other countries?

It discourage other countries from purchasing American Products