What does TS and RA stand for?
Thunderstorms and Rain
Who verifies that the drone payload is securely attached
Before a drone flight, all crew members must be informed about the operation and emergency procedures.
What is crew briefing?
This is the process of identifying safety hazards and reducing risks during a flight.
risk management
Before each drone flight, the remote pilot must conduct this type of inspection to ensure the aircraft is in safe operating condition.
preflight inspection
This weather report, used at large airports provides a forecast for a 5 mile radius and is updated four times a day to help remote pilots with flight planning.
What component can ruin the balance of the drone?
Center of Gravity or Center of Pressure
This is the term used when a pilot reports their aircrafts registration using the phonetic alphabet.
aircrafts call sign
If the remote pilot finds any problems during the preflight inspection, they must do this before flying.
Fix the issues
Why do you inspection the drone battery?
To ensure the drone has the most power to fly throughout your whole mission.
This weather report, used by remote pilots for flight planning, gives real time updates on wind, visibility, and cloud cover at an airport, it is updated hourly.
How can G force and weight have a negative effect on the drone while it’s in the air?
G force multiplies the weight of the drone by the amount of G force the drone is experiencing.
in the event of a battery fire during flight, the remote pilot may need to do this to avoid risk to people or property.
Climbing the drone above 400 feet AGL to maneuver to a safe landing area
This checklist helps pilots assess risk by reviewing factors like the pilot, aircraft, environment and external pressures.
What is the PAVE checklist?
Why is it important to follow the pre, during and post flight checklist?
To ensure your drone is in good condition to fly to get the best outcome of your mission, and that there will be no accidents or malfunctions.
Define this METAR report
METAR KLAX 051753Z 27018G25KT 10SM SCT025 18/14
on the 5th day of the month the time is 17:53 UTC. The wind from 270 degrees with 18 gusts up to 25 knots. Visibility is at 10 statue miles, scattered clouds at 2,500 feet above ground level. The temperature is at 18 degrees Celsius and the dew point is at 14 degrees Celsius.
What are three popular growing attachments that can add weight to the drone besides the camera.
a package, sprinklers and bombs.
This is the required information a pilot must include in their initial radio broadcast when approaching an airport.
What is altitude, aircraft type, aircraft identification, location, and intent to land or overfly?
What includes all the tasks prior to and during flight that can help to ensure a successful outcome?
Single-pilot resource management
What is something that you can not use to maintain a good visual line of sight?
Define this from a TAF report
TAF KATL 081130Z 0812/0912 36015G25KT P6SM SCT060
On the 8th day of the month, the time is 11:30 AM UTC. The forecast is valid from 12:00 UTC on the 8th until 12:00 UTC on the 9th. Wind from 360 degrees at 15 knots with gusts up to 25 knots, visibility is greater than 6 statue miles, scattered clouds at 6,000 feet above ground.
This term refers to the maximum allowable weight of a drone. This can impact the flight performance, safety, and compliance. What is this specific weight limit called?
The maximum takeoff weight
Pilots use this frequency to communicate with other aircraft and air traffic control when flying in uncontrolled airspace.
Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF)
What are 3 steps for good decision making?
Identify personal attitudes hazardous to safe flight, learn behavior modification techniques, learn how to recognize and cope with stress.
This critical component of drone operation involves recording details such as date, duration, location, and purpose of the flight, as well as any maintenance performed on the aircraft. What is this practice called?
Logging the flight