French and Indian

What motivated European Exploration



How did the colonies run their government

Self Government


What country gained the most from the French and Indian War?

Great Britain


What act did the colonists call tyranny?

Proclamation of 1763


What event did Paul Revere make an engraving that turned Bostonian's against Britain? 

Boston Massacure


Who made up the Continental Army? 

 Troops from all the colonies


What was the outcome of Bunker Hill?

British won but suffered many losses.


How did Parliament respond to the colonies' protest against the Stamp Act?

Parliament repealed the stamp act


What did the colonists resent most about the Stamp Act?

No taxation without representation.


What was life in the colonies like before 1760?

The colonies had assemblies that passed laws.


What were the goals of the First Continental Congress?

 To find a solution to the conflicts with Great Britain.


Why was the Declaration of Independence written?

To explain why the colonies were separating from Great Britain


What effect did Common Sense have in the colonies?

Persuaded colonists to choose independence for America.


What was Guerilla Warfare?

Hit and run warfare, where an unorganized army attacks then runs away.


What was the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition?

To ask King George to make peace with the colonies.


What were two results of the French and Indian War?

Great Britain received French claims in North America and Britain had huge war debt.


How did Britain increase control in the American colonies? 

Sending more soldiers to the colonies and increased taxes on the colonies.


What was the result of the Townshend Acts?

Colonists boycotted British made goods such  as paint, paper, glass, and TEA.


How did the American Revolution impact other parts of the world?

The revolution sparked other countries to rebel against European nations to establish democracy.


In addition to independence, what did the Treaty of Paris give to the Americans

Britain had to recognize America as an independent nation and land from Canada to Florida and from the east coast to the Mississippi River.


How did colonists react to the Boston Massacre?

Colonists reacted by blaming the British for unrest in Boston and wanted the soldier to be tried for Murder.


How did Britain react to the Boston Tea Party

Britain passed the Intolerable Acts which closed Boston Harbor, taxed Massachusetts for the ruined tea, and Britain increased the troops in Boston.  


What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Continental Army? 

Strengths: Patriotic, strong leadership, knew the geography and had alliances with France. 

Weaknesses: Lack of training, troop numbers, supplies and low on money. 


What were the strengths and weaknesses of the British Army? 

Strengths: Had large army, well trained in European war tactics, had an abundance of supplies. 

Weaknesses: Poor leadership, British people had to pay for the war and they did not care, distance from Britain. 


How was George Washington a great leader in the Revolution

Smart in Military Strategy

Had experience fighting in the French and Indian War

Inspired all colonists to fight for one nation

Convinced all soldiers to fight for independence

Had his friends Thomas Paine write pamphlets to increase belief in the revolution