Foundations of Positive Psychology
Practical Applications of Positive Psychology
Understanding Happiness and Well-Being
Names in Positive Psych

What is the 'light'?



It may guide, inspire, and motivate us in our own story. It is a reflection of our story.

Hero's Journey


What is the negativity bias?

Evolved tendency to pay more attention to negative things than positive in order to survive.


Who was the founder of Positive Psychology?

Martin Seligman


What is due Thursday and Sunday?

Discussion Posts


What is positive psychology?

Scientific method to enable us to make the most of our life and live them to the fullest.


Enables to keep our feet on the ground and be present to the current reality and circumstances of our lives.

What is mindfullness?


What enables us to reach for the stars to make the most of our lives and live them to the fullest?



Who said that we feel more happiness after spending our money on experiences than possessions?

Ryan Howell


What is humanistic therapy?

1. Genuineness

2. Accurate empathy

3. Unconditional positive regard



What are the six stages of change?

1. Pre-contemplation

2. Contemplation

3. Preparation

4. Action 

5. Maintenance

6.  Termination.


 What are the three ways that behavioral psychology may help us increase our well-being?

1. Relaxation Techniques 

2. Behavioral Activation 

3. Exposure Therapy


Focus on your breathing, Try and move your attention throughout your whole body, Focus on your thoughts, feelings, or sensations that come to mind.

Practicing Mindfulness


Who talks about "following your bliss"/ the deepest sense of being in form and going
where you body and soul want to go?

Joseph Campbell? 


 What is the hedonic treadmill?

It may be difficult to increase happiness to a new higher level because of things we can’t control


What is the umbrella term in positive psychology?

Organizes the work of those of us who have heeded the recommendation to study scientifically what makes life worth living.


What are the five elements of PERMA? 

Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, & Accomplishment.


What is the sailboat metaphor? 

Addressing weaknesses is like plugging holes. You might sink if you don't. Using strengths is like raising the sail. You won't go anywhere if you don't. Letting the sails carry you is much easier and more fun than only paying attention to holes.


What did Elizabeth Dunn find about happiness and who you spend your money on?

Money may bring more happiness if you spend it on someone else rather than yourself. 


What is the happiness formula?

H=S+C+V 50%


What are the five things that positive psychology is not?

1. The avoidance of the negative

2. Not about superficial happiness

3. Is not just common sense

4. Not only for those who are already doing well

5. Not only for optimists.


What are the 12 stages of the Hero's Journey?

The ordinary world, the call to adventure, refusal of the call, meeting the mentor, crossing the threshold, test, allies, enemies, approach and preparation, the ordeal, the reward, the road back, the resurrection, and return with the elixir.


What are the six things that the World Happiness Report has found explain a large amount of happiness?

  • Health life expectancy at birth, GDP/capita, Perceptions of corruptions, Social Support, Freedom to make life choices, Generosity


What did Phil Zimbardo create after turning from studying why people break bad to why people break good?

Heroic Imagination Project - how to be everyday heroes


What are the five sources of self-efficacy? 

1. Performance experiences

2. Vicarious experiences

3. Imaginal experiences

4. Positive feedback

5. Reducing stress & emotional distress.