History and Structure
Phonemic Awareness
Alphabet Knowledge Letter Recognition, Naming, and Sequencing

Define semantics 

The meaning of words and the relationships among words as they are used to represent knowledge of the world. 


Name a few emergent literacy skills.

Vocabulary building, learning how to hold books, developing a love of literacy (reading and writing)

What is phonemic awareness?
The ability to manipulate the speech sounds in words. 

What is alphabet knowledge? 

Alphabet knowledge refers to a student’s ability to identify and name the letters of the alphabet


 5 classifications of words

nous, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, determiners, auxiliary, negations, relations, intensifier, connectors, preposition, and pronouns 


Define developmentally appropriate practice (DAP)

An approach to teaching grounded in research on how young children develop and learn and what is known about effective early education. Promotes young children's oprimal learning and development through interaction with adults and environment. Importance on classroom environment and teacher interaction to children's overall growth. 


How many phonemes are in the word judge? 



What is the importance of the socratic method? 

Leads learners to discover information through carefully guided questioning based on information they already possess.


Do a sentence diagram for...

The bird flew to the nest.



Compare and contrast receptive language and expressive language 

Receptive language includes the words a child hears and later reads. Expressive language refers to the words a child speaks and later writes. 


Is wash and mash the same phoneme? 



What are the 4 phases of reading? 

Pre-alphabetic, early/partial alphabetic, later/full alphabetic, and consolidated alphabetic. 


How many are in unsystematically 

5 (un+system+matic+al+ly)


Define emergent literacy 

Includes the period when infants begin attending to environmental sounds. and toddlers are pointing to pictures and scribbling on paper until children “break the code” and can put sounds together to read and write words.


What is progress monitoring assessment? 

Progress monitoring assessment is needed for students identified as not meeting learning expectations and who participate in specialized instruction to help them develop needed skills


what is the Matthew effect?

  • Students in the lower reading group read fewer words during reading group time and are therefore exposed to many fewer words in text than the student with on-target decoding skills, find reading difficult and avoid it, do not develop automaticity in word recognition, and must use mental resources for word recognition rather than creating vocabulary, understanding the syntax, and comprehending the text.

  • Its opposite, the successful reading sequence, begins with accurate alphabet knowledge


3 major places of articulation  

alveolar ridge, lips, and soft palate/velum


Why is first 5 years of a child's life important 

90% of the child's brain development happens. The number of words a child knows when they start kindergarten is a predictor of their future success in school and life. More than 1/3 start kindergarten without the skills they need to learn to read.


Define Rapid Automatic Naming (RAN)

a speed naming task, often given to prereaders, in which an individual is asked to quickly name a series of printed letters, numbers, or blocks of color repeated in random order. 


What are the reading standards for literacture?

Key ideas and details, craft and structure, integration of knowledge and ideas, range of reading, and level of text complexity.