The normal body temperature taken orally for a healthy adult is:
98.6 degrees F
NPO means:
nothing by mouth
What type of CR angle is required for an AP projection of the foot?
10 degrees posteriorly
Where is the CR directed for a PA oblique projection of the hand?
Perpendicular to the IR, directed to the third MCP joint
When performing an ERECT AP abdomen radiograph, where should the central ray enter the midsagittal plane?
2 inches (5cm) superior to the illiac crest
The normal range for adult pulse rate is:
60-100 BPM
Anticoagulants are drugs that:
inhibit clotting
How much is the ankle rotated, and which direction, for the AP mortise projection?
15-20 degree medial
Which AP proximal shoulder projections will demonstrate the lesser tubercle in profile?
Internal rotation
What is the correct breathing instruction for an AP supine abdomen radiograph?
"exhale and hold your breath"
Which blood pressure reading is associated with the contraction of the left ventricle?
Prednisone is a steroid. A steroid is used to:
suppress the body's immune system
How much is the entire leg rotated, and in which direction, for the AP oblique projection of the knee?
45 degrees internally
Where is the CR directed for AP shoulder radiographs with external rotation?
1 inch inferior to the coracoid
The appendix is located in the _________ quadrant.
The definition of Pallor is
Cathartics are also called:
What tube angle is recommended for a radiograph of an AP projection of the 5th digit of the foot when the area of concern is that joint spaces?
15-degree cephalic
What is the appropriate CR angle for an AP axial projection of the clavicle?
Angled 15-30 degrees cephalad
The purpose of a left lateral decubitus abdomen radiograph is to visualize ______ and _______
free air and fluid levels
This node is the pacemaker of the heart:
SA node
An ________ ________ is a drug reaction that does not occur in most patients who have been treated with the drug and does not include the therapeutic effect of the drug
idiosyncratic reaction
What is the correct central ray placement for the AP pelvis radiograph?
2 inches superior to the pubic symphysis
How must a patient be positioned to ensure that the thumb is correctly positioned for an AP projection?
Rotate the hand internally, supinating the thumb
The acute abdomen series is most commonly performed to evaluate and diagnose what condition?
Bowel obstruction or perforation