Attention and Information Processing
Maturation and Development
Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development

Focusing your attention on one stimuli out of the many around you is known as _______ attention.



What do we mean when we say nature versus nurture?

Nature depends on biological influences, such as genes and inherited traits. Nurture depends on environmental influences, such as experiences and exposures.


Put these stages in order of development.

Preoperational Stage

Sensorimotor Stage

Formal Operational Stage

Concrete Operational Stage

Sensorimotor Stage (0-2 years)

Preoperational Stage (2-6/7 years)

Concrete Operational Stage

Formal Operational Stage


True of False: The baby's bond with its mother depends mostly on whether its needs are met; for example, hunger and diaper changes.

False; the bond is built mostly around comfort and body contact


Mikayla is texting her boyfriend while having an in-person conversation with her friend, Nia. Nia notices she is so focused on her text conversation that she has inadvertently tuned her out. To prove this, she goes off on a tangent about unicorns and rainbows, and Mikayla doesn't even notice. This is an example of what?

Inattentional Blindness

Mikayla is so focused on one thing, she doesn't notice her friend going off on an unexpected tangent


Give an example of maturation.

Answer varies.

One example is the building of connections between neurons, which occurs through experience.


In which stage does a child develop object permanence?

The Sensorimotor Stage (Between Birth - 2 Years)


What is the Strange Situation Paradigm, and how is it used?

A mother brings her baby into an unfamiliar environment. After the baby adjusts, the mother leaves the room for a few minutes, then comes back. The baby's response to her return gives us clues about the baby's attachment style.


The ability of the brain to process both conscious and unconscious stimuli simultaneously is known as what?

Dual Processing


Give an example of environmental enrichment that might help a baby develop more connections between neurons in the brain.

Answer varies.

One example might be providing them with a variety of different sensory experiences; textures, colors, etc.


During which stage is a child able to represent things with words and images, but has yet to develop logical reasoning?

The Preoperational Stage (2-6/7 years)


What type of parenting might result in an insecure avoidant attachment style?

Detached, uninvolved, and unresponsive parenting


Alex and Derek are watching a movie. During a scene where a family is eating breakfast, Derek points out that the level of orange juice in one cup is inconsistent between frames. Alex says he was so focused on the drama unfolding that he would have never noticed that. This is an example of what?

Change Blindness

Alex is focused on other important details, and is not looking for inconsistencies within the filming


What is Theory of Mind?

The realization that other people have their own thoughts and mental processes.


In this stage of development, a child may perform addition and subtraction using or imagining objects, such as counters.

Concrete Operational Stage (7-11 years)


How might a baby with a secure attachment style react when a mother returns to the room in the Strange Situation Paradigm?

The baby will be relieved to see the mother return, and responds to the mother's attempts to calm them down; they are able to return playing with toys as normal


Explain the difference between bottom-up processing and top-down processing.

Bottom-up processing starts with sensory input to build your perception, while top-down processing starts with using your expectations and prior knowledge to interpret stimuli.


Give an example of a child understanding the concept of conservation.

Answer varies.

One example, a child knows that pouring liquid from a wider cup into a skinnier cup does not change the amount of liquid.


What are the characteristics of the Formal Operational Stage?

Develops at around 12 years of age; the child is able to think logically about abstract concepts


Explain the monkey experiment that was watched in class. What evidence did it show?

Even though the monkey received nourishment from a wire mother, it still formed a bond with the cloth mother. This shows evidence that a bond formed between a mother and child is based upon comfort and body contact.