Studying and Test-Taking Potpourri
Study Skilled...Not!!!
Story Questions
Ways to Study
Academic Skills
You do this when you realize you don't understand something you learned and talk to your teacher about it before the test.
What is Asking for Help?
Cletus and Bocephus studied for a test on this subject.
What is the Digestive System?
How you review what you learned already before a test.
What are Study Skills?
________ usually have a word on one side and a definition on the other so you can quiz yourself on what you know.
What are Flashcards?
When you have a spot for all of your school papers and you always know where everything is.
What is Being Organized?
When you go to bed early the night before the test.
What is Getting Enough Sleep?
This character did not have good study skills, so he was always getting bad grades.
Who is Cletus?
This is when you study as much as possible in a short amount of time. It hurts your brain!
What is Cramming?
You do this when you look back at what you already read in your textbook.
What is Re-reading Material?
When you come to school and pay attention by keeping your eyes and ears on the teacher and working quietly without bothering your classmates until the task is complete.
What is Focusing?
When you believe in yourself and tell yourself that you CAN get a good grade on the test.
What is Having a Positive Attitude?
This character was always studying and is always stressed out. He had to teach his cousin how to study.
Who is Bocephus?
You make this when you decide how and when you will study and what materials you will need.
What is a Study Plan?
When you study with a bunch of other people to talk about what you learned.
What is a Study Group?
When you write down what your teacher is saying so you can remember it better later.
What is Taking Good Notes?
You do this when you look at the questions and move on when you aren't sure how to answer it so you don't waste too much time on one question (and then come back to it when you finished the other questions).
What is Reading Test Questions Carefully?
This is where Cletus and Bocephus studied so they had a quiet and clean place to study.
What is the Dining Room Table?
When you feel overwhelmed because you have too much to do. You may feel worried about studying for the test and a lot of pressure to do well on the test.
What is Feeling Stressed Out?
You use this to color-code or categorize important information.
What is a Highlighter?
When you break big concepts down into smaller, more manageable pieces.
What is Chunking?
When you turn off your TV, Cell Phone, Computer, Chat, or Video Games so you can focus on studying.
What is Avoiding Distractions?
Pay attention, take good notes, break big stuff into chunks, ask for help, organize your stuff, get enough sleep, stay on-task, and have a positive attitude.
What is the Amazing Great 8?
Additional items that you will use when you study, such as drawings, pictures, diagrams, models, and manipulatives.
What are Supplementary Materials?
When you draw or use pictures, diagrams, or models to study what you learned before the test.
What is Using Visual Materials?
When you do this every day, you are practicing what you learned. This is part of studying!
What is Homework?