What is Miss. Griggers' ick?
When someone talks while she's talking
Are you able to redo a formative assessment if you cheat?
No, you are not
When can you always go to the bathroom
During class change
Who is responsible for getting the work if you are absent?
The student
What are you expected to bring to class everyday? (Three things)
A charged chromebook, a writing utensil, and paper
Why will you lose chromebook privileges?
playing games without permission, doing work for other classes, accessing alternate wi-fi connections, watching/viewing inappropriate materials, etc.
When are final exams?
December 18-19
When do you receive ISS for dress code infractions?
The third offense
How many days do you have to get missing work?
Three days
When does Miss. G offer tutoring
Monday and Wednesday afternoons
Where should your phone be?
Out of sight
What percentage of grade earned can you receive if plagiarize?
60% of grade earned
When can you NOT go to the restroom
During instructions and the first and last 10 minutes of class.
When are you considered tardy?
When the tardy bell rings (you need to be seated in your desk)
What consequence will occur after the third time needing to charge your chromebook in class?
Parent contact and a step
What is your job in this classroom?
Pay attention, participate, and turn in your assignments on time
Assignments not turned in after 3 days of being late will receive what grade?
Zero (0)
How many minutes do you have to use the bathroom before it is considered skipping?
7 minutes
How many unexcused tardies equal an unexcused absence
3 tardies = 1 absence
The 4th offense
How many steps do you receive before it becomes an office referral?
Three steps; The fourth step is a referral
What percentage are formative and summative grades worth?
Where can you find the dress code policy?
The LCS Student handbook
When are tardies excused?
As long as you have a note and get to class within 15 minutes
If a student repeatedly breaks the bathroom policy, can they have their privileges taken away?