Jehovah Rapha means
Two part name: Jehovah- God and Rapha- to restore, to heal, to make healthful
The Lord That Heals - found in Exodus 15:26
Jordan Crossing
Joshua 3:1-17
Joshua and the Israelites camped at Shittim before crossing the Jordan. The priests carried the Ark of the Covenant into the river, and the water stopped flowing so that the Israelites could cross on dry ground.
In 1948, where did the small group of believers meet under a lime tree.
In the yard of Adolphus and Imogene Nembhard.
Which names of God has this meaning, "The Living God"
Elohim Chayim in Genesis 1:1
The story of the coin in the fish's mouth, is a miracle of Jesus that appears in the Bible in the Gospel of Matthew 17:24–27. In the story, Jesus instructs Peter to catch a fish in the Sea of Galilee, open its mouth, and find a coin that will pay the temple tax for both Jesus and Peter.
Who are the oldest female and male members of the Mandeville SDA Church?
Sis. Esmie Melbourne and Bro. C.L. Smith
This name of God, Jehovah-Jireh, means
Two part name: Jehovah-God and Jireh-to see, to provide, to foresee
Means -The Lord Will Provide from Genesis 22:14 - "And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-Jireh, which means 'The Lord will provide'. This was when Abraham was tested to sacrifice his son Issac, but God provided a ram in the thicket.
The story of the brass serpent is told in the Bible in Numbers 21:8-9.
The Lord commands Moses to make a bronze snake and put it on a pole, and anyone who is bitten by a serpent and looks at the bronze serpent will recover.
Which Pastors served the Mandeville SDA Church between 2005-2008 and 1994-2002
Pastor Claude Brown 2005-2008
Joel Nembhard 1994-2002
List 5 names of God and their meanings
There are over 900 names and titles of God in Hebrew, Greek, and the Bible. Here are a few of the names and titles of God:
Who is this and what happened?
The death of the evil Queen Jezebel in 2 Kings 9:30-37
Jehu, who takes over as king, ordered her eunuchs to throw her out the window. Upon her fall, she is trampled by horses. Her blood spatters the wall, and her body is eaten by dogs before she can be buried, and only her skull, hands, and feet remained.
Name 5 SDA churches that are daughters of the Mandeville SDA Church.
Spur Tree
Three Chains
Grove Place