
What kind of study sheet helps you to compile notes, such as names and dates?

 A key terms sheet


True or false: You should eat a very big breakfast the day of an exam

False—you should eat a healthy breakfast, but not more than you usually eat


Why does a pop quiz often cause more anxiety than a quiz announced beforehand?

Because you don’t have an opportunity to prepare


How far in advance should you begin to study for a test?

5-7 days


Name two things you should do the morning of a test.

Any two of the following: 

eat a good breakfast, 

dress comfortably, 

bring a watch, 

arrive early, 

make sure you have all the materials you need


What kinds of people should you avoid on the day of an exam?

People who make you nervous


Name two effective study practices.

Any two of the following: 

taking good notes in class, 

staying organized, 

making note cards or flash cards, 

compiling notes into a key terms sheet or a general themes sheet, 

mnemonic devices, 

studying in groups, 

scheduling study time, 

reviewing notes after class, 

or finding a quiet place


Name two important strategies to use during a test.

Any two of the following: 

look over the entire test before you begin, 

budget time (based on point values), 

read directions carefully, 

read each question carefully, 

watch the time and pace yourself, 

circle difficult questions and come back to them


Complete the sentence: It can help your attitude to think of a test as _____________ .

An opportunity to show what you know


True or false: 

You should spend as many hours as possible studying the night before a major test.

False—you should relax and get a good night’s sleep


Name two advantages of studying in groups

Any two of the following:

lets students learn from one another, 

in-depth discussions, 

steady studying schedule, 

moral support, 

makes studying more fun, 

teaching others increases your own retention of facts


Name one anxiety-reducing strategy.

Any of the following: 

be well prepared, 

take deep breaths, 

think of a peaceful place