A bad study habit some do the night before a test.
In order to take good notes, you must ________ actively.
Always arrive to class ______ on the day of the test.
Get one of these if you need help in a class.
A tutor/attend QT
Try to study in a _____ location.
In order to not miss any notes, try to not _______ class.
Try to get this the night before the test.
A good night's sleep.
Name a way that you can prepare for a test with your peers.
Create a study group
You should manage this effectively.
This vibrant strategy helps you remember your notes
Use different color pens or highlights
Try to review these regularly each day before the test.
Name the three types of learning styles
Auditory, visual, and kinesthetic
Try to do this every 20-30 minutes.
Take a break?
This vibrant strategy helps you remember your notes
Use different colors
During the test, try to skip the ______ questions and come back to them later.
Name three beneficial study materials.
Textbook, notes, homework, quizzes, previous tests, examples?
Studies show that writing in this color helps promote memory.
Keep track of this during the test.