How many Letters are in the Alphabet?
What is 26
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What is the Planet that We Live On?
What is Earth
Who is The Main antagonist?
What is Mario
This Flag Has 50 Stars on it.
What is the American Flag
How are Rainbows Made?
What is Water Droplets Reflecting the Sun's Rays Into the Sky
A Girl Who Speaks Spanish and Has a Monkey By Her Side
What is Dora the Explorer
How Many Planets are There in our Solar System Including Pluto?
What is 9
What is The Little Brown Thing Mario Stomps On?
What is a Goomba
This Country is Popular For the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Rome Colosseum.
What is Italy
How Many Countries are There?
What is 195
A Show With A Green, Purple, Yellow, and Red things that are in many creepy-pasta memes.
What is Tellytubies
How Many Rovers Have Been Sent to Mars?
What is 5
What is Mario's Full Name?
What is Mario Mario Mario
This Flag Is all White Except One Red Dot.
What is Japan
Can You Die From Eating Bananas?
What is Yes
A Boy Travels With A Magical Electric Mouse Creature.
What is Pokemon
How Many Planets Have Rings In Our Solar System?
What is 4
What Was Princess Peach's Original Name?
What is Princess Toadstool
This Country is not Well Known But the Name of It is a Popular Meme of a Muscular Man.
What is Chad
How Often is A Total Lunar Eclipse?
What is 1 1/2 years
This Show is About a Group of Friends Who Use The Power of Words and Reading to Save The Day
What is Super Why
This Supernova is Named After a Famous Astronomer Who Looked at The Solar System Differently Than Other People at The Time.
What is Kepler's Supernova
How Old is Princess Peach?
What is 17
This Flag is not an Average Rectangle But two Right Triangles One on Top of the Other.
What is Nepal