The color scheme of a monarch butterfly
What is orange and black
The period of time music has been around
When is basically since forever
Coat is another word for it
What is a Jacket, Trenchcoat
Butterfly's occupation
What is spy
Butterflies are naturaul ____ (Role in nature)
A Tomato, Avacado, Pumpkin
What is a fruit?
Composer John Williams based his musics off of
Who is Tchaikovsky
Spanish word for Jacket
What is Chaqueta
The main character of Made Of Thorns
Who is Ava Brookes
They are always the same/identical
The classification of a fruit
What is a plant that bears edible produce with seeds that come from flowers
Lute and Hurdy Gurdy
Midevil Instruments
Item of Clothing girls have to wear under their skirts
What is shorts or underwear
The cities in the prophecy
Butterflies real name
Who is Amelia Daniels
Ellie's favorite fruit classification
Event that began the Dark ages
Item of clothing that is great for doing hair
What is a sock
Blaze's iconic song in The Spy Student
What is the coconut song
Two butterfly species
What are monarch, longwing, red admiral, pipevine, zebra longwing, swallowtail
The longest-named fruit in the world
What is the American Elerberry
Famous female composer during the middle ages who may or may not have been autistic
Who is Hildegard Von Bergard
Name of a clothing store
Target, Ross, Walmart, Kohls, etc
Who betrays the characters in Swords and Losses
Who is Ruby