The name of our moon is the name of a character from WOF and she's a nightwing and has 2 powers, what's her name.
Who Is a main character that keeps coming back?
What did Tiger Star do?
He Trye to kill Bluestar he Brought dogs to kill thunder clan, paralyzed Cinderpaw with a car,Became leader of shadow clan to kill fireHeart who became fire star and kill Tiger Star.
What was the largest Fish eating dinosur?
Whats the largest Mammal?
Who's the love crazy warrior?
AshFur (He needs to leave squrilflight alone.)
How many TigerStar's are there?
How big was a Utha raptor
6Ft. Tall
How big is a Turky Vultures Wing span.
who's the Sand wing with the scar on his nose?
Who Blocked StarClan ?
How many times did Scourge have to kill TigerStar?
Once he took all 9 lives out of him.
What Dino had Plates?
What is the loudest mammal in the world?
What is Chalmelions power?
He had no power but he stole a scroll and is basically a shape shifter.
Who Almost destroyed StarClan and the dark forest?
Who is DarkTail?
The Leader of a rouge group who wanted to kill the clans to get revenge on OneStar his father.
Which Dino hunted Suropods?
What's the most dangerous Animal in the world?
Was Dark stalker set free on purpose?
Who cause Tiny To become Scourge?
TigerClaw(When He was in thunderclan)
Who Killed herself to save the clans?
EX:(Extra points if you know who Killed him first)
BristleFrost (She killed AshFur for the last time)
(In his life beside the lake Holly leaf killed him)
What Dino had the most teeth?
Nigersaurus(It fels wrong typing the name but look it up its real it had like 100,000 teeth.
What are the Ligers Parents and there gender?
Extra 300 points if you can tell me the Tigons.
Liger- Male Lion Female Tiger
Tigon-Male Tiger Female Lion