is Julie a dog or cat person?
What neighborhood does Julie currently live in?
what chinese zodiac sign is she?
what is pig sign
The region where julie was born is also known for a special spice... what kind of taste/effect does the spice have on the tongue?
what is a numbing and tingly effect (sichuan peppercorn)
who is her dream celeb bestie? (hint: recently had a dream about this person?)
who is rihanna aka riri
how old is her little sister jennie?
what is thirteen years old
what famous person did julie meet that subsequently got her into uchicago? hint: "former chicago resident"
who is obama
what type of broth base is julie's favorite for ramen?
what is pork based broth/tonkotsu rame
What was the name of Julie's creepy grumpy racist handyman in Chicago?
what is julie's favorite reality tv show on international relations and geopolitics?
what is 90 day fiance, 90 day fiance before the 90 days, 90 day fiance the other way etc.
what item of jewelry does julie like to make?
what are earrings
What is the name of the town julie grew up in?
what is williamston?
how many tattoos does julie have?
what is 8
what action packed, girl gang movie from the 2000s was julie's gay awakening?
what is charlies angel's two: full throttle
what major did julie start as in college?
what is biochemistry LMAO
what city and province was julie born in?
what is chengdu china?
Which of these revolutionaries is not a Taurus?
Malcolm X
What is Julie's moon sign?
What was Julie this past Halloween?
Princes Yeu from Avatar
what was my dog's name growing up?
what is misty
What was the name of the Christian youth group Julie belonged to?
Young Life