Jacob vs. me but it's a race to eat cereal from our chest holes.
It's me I won and I'd do it again too.
Roll for initiative
Nat 20
"That wizard came from the moon"
It's a race! Jason and Brandon are at the starting line. brandon has a slice of cake dangling in his vision but just out of reach. Jason has a full meal waiting at the finish line and hasn't eaten in days. Who wins?
Jason, the dude is starving duh.
Rock Paper Scissor Shoot!
What are we some kind of Suicide squad?
Suicide Squad
Danny he's a literal dwarf, vs. Henry a wisened wizard
Wizards are op man there's no way
Beat a 3 pair
royal flush?
Who are you? I... am STEVE!
The Minecraft Movie Warner Brothers Pictures
It's a close one, Tyler must have the correct substances on hand for his Domain to have lethal effect, Assuming he does and both domains go off at once even if he forgets what he's doing Reid will be forced to drink. It's unblockable.
First person to message me on steam wins.
"The victor shall write the tale, and the vanquished become it's villain"
It's a Pokemon battle! I have a Torchic, Arcanine, and Ninetails. Danny has a Blastoise, and Goldeen. Who wins?
Danny absolutely sweeps, the type advantage is terrible for me.
Show me the strongest Yugioh Card
That's a pretty strong card
Hey it's me! I'm a tetramino!