contrary to many beliefs, this is actually the tallest mountain in the world
mt everest
how many minutes in a light year
none its a unit of measurement for distance
this large rock has many different layers with the most inner layer being liquid
this creature is usually portrayed as a dragon
a dragon
everyone can participate: red or black (bet any amount of money)
red, 1.5x your money
what is wrong with this sentence:
"After playing his games on the computer Alson decided to take a break and go for a walk"
there needs to be a comma after computer
how long does it take for light to travel a light year
a year
this green plumber is famous for going on different adventures, jumping through the mushroom kingdom to save the princess
roll a d20 (everyone participates)
1-10 = win
11 - 20 = lose
what is "taco cat" backwards
cat taco
within 5 deciminal points, how many solar luminosities is the sun?
any 5 usa states
in DND, what spell is nelson banned from activating
unscramble this: logarithm
whenever person A is true person B is always true, but if person A were to be false, what do we know about person B?
we know nothing abt person B
what is the rough estimate for the speed of light
C or 3.0*10^8 m/s
which country can be used as a reply to the question: "how are u feeling, and what kind of car do u drive?"
a healer, a wizard and a tank walks into a bar. what is wrong with this statement?
the tank should have entered first
more than 76% of the earth's surface is covered by this
the gaia theory is a theory about how earth organisms support each other to survive and evolve into our mordern day versions of them. why is the gaia theory named gaia?
because the theory was about the earth
who invented the pythagoras theorem?
if you were to go 24,901 miles east of brazil you would end up in this specific country
this mystical creature is said to have 9 different heads
what are the first 6 digits of pi