Stuttering Facts
Causes of Stuttering
Defining Stuttering
True/ False
Experience of Stuttering

Do more males or females stutter? 

Males (4 males to every 1 female)


When do most people begin stuttering?

Childhood. Typically between ages 2-7. When did you start stuttering?


How would you define stuttering?

Loss of control/ feeling stuck


Stuttering tends to run in families

True. 60% of people who stutter also have a family member who stutters. Do any of you?


What are some aspects of life that stuttering can affect? 

Everything... talking on the phone, feeling comfortable meeting new people, avoiding talking in class, changing your order to something easier to say.  What are 3 ways it affects you?


What languages does stuttering exist in? 

All languages and parts of the world

What causes stuttering?

Trick question! There is no single cause of stuttering, but many contributing factors


What is a block and give an example



Stuttering is caused by nervousness or anxiety

False. There are multiple contributing factors but there is no proof that anxiety causes stuttering (though it may feel like it can make it worse- is that true for anyone?)


What is a thought you might have when you stutter?

They'll think I don't know the answer, they won't want to be my friend, I can't give my presentation, I always get stuck on this word


What are some speech therapy goals for stuttering?

Learning about stuttering, learning about own stuttering pattern and also thoughts/feelings that go with stuttering, self-advocacy and disclosure


Name 3 factors that may contribute to stuttering

Genetics, brain differences, motor planning, developmental factors, environmental factors (demand-capacity)


What is a prolongation and give an example



Everyone who stutters does so in exactly the same way

False. Discuss ways in which your stutters are different


What is a "secondary behavior" or something that you do that isn't directly related to stuttering that you do while you are stuttering? Maybe to avoid discomfort or because you think it helps get a word out?

Some examples- loss of eye contact, switch words, block, hand movement


How is stuttering variable?

Highly variable, day to day or year to year, may be affected by environment factors such as getting sick, feeling tired or life changes like birth of a new sibling or starting a new school. 


How does stuttering affect the entire body?

Not just the parts of our body that say words, but also tension across the whole body (does any one else experience that?) and it affects thoughts and feelings too


What is a repetition and give an example



There is a cure for stuttering

False, speech therapy can help a person communicate effectively and make long-term changes over time. 


What are some feelings you might experience when you stutter?

Embarrassment, shame, guilt, frustration, anger. Anything positive... ease?


Name 5 famous people who stutter

James Earl Jones, Shaq, Ed Sheeran, Emily Blunt, Joe Biden, Bruce Willis, Samuel L Jackson, Marilyn Monroe, Winston Churchill, Michael Kidd Gilchrist


Stuttering may be accompanied with tension. Show us an example.

Tension in any part of the body (face, jaw, throat, legs/arms)


What does voluntary stuttering mean?

Openly stuttering, letting your stutter show, not acting to hide, mask, or change your stutter. Why might you stutter on purpose?

compared to covert- under the surface, word substitutions/work arounds in attempt to prevent appearance of stuttering


People who stutter are less intelligent than people who don't

False, research shows no difference in IQ. Has someone ever made you feel less intelligent?


What is one positive thing about stuttering/about you that is a result of stuttering?

Good listener, good writer, empathetic, caring, kind, humor, connection/community... Everyone?