What is the subject in the following sentence?
Elkan likes loud music.
What is the predicate in the following sentence?
The dog smells like mud.
smells like mud
What is the following group of words a subject or a predicate?
ran down the sidewalk.
What's missing?
Has two little sisters and one baby brother
Subject (eg. Emma)
If you are telling a fact, you need this end mark.
Identify the simple subject:
Lincoln limped around the park with his dog.
Identify the simple predicate:
The zoo near Ms. Whitehead's house has scary white polar bears.
Subject or Predicate?
Kanye, Kendrick Lamar, Post Malone
What is the subject AND the predicate in the following sentence?
A bee flew through the open window.
subject-- A bee
predicate-- flew through the open window
If you are excitedly saying something, you need this end mark.
Exclamation Mark
Identify the subjects:
Teachers, students, and parents at St. Michael enjoy pizza day.
Teachers, students, and parents, St. Michael, pizza day.
Identify the predicate:
Matthew watched a movie then went home and got bit by Simba.
watched a movie then went home and got bit by Simba.
Subject or Predicate?
chased the mouse and caught it.
What is the subject and predicate in the following sentence?
Ms. Whitehead's super old phone has a funny ring tone.
subject-- My dad's super old phone
predicate-- has a funny ring tone
If you have a question, use this end mark.
Question Mark
Define "subject"
It tells us who or what is performing the action. It also tells us who or what the sentence is about.
Define "predicate"
It is the part of the sentence that tells us what the subject is, or what the subject does. The predicate always contains a verb.
Subject or Predicate
Dwayne The Rock Johnson
What's Missing?
Minjun and Minjay are brothers.
These words are a clue that someone is asking a question.
who, what, when, where, why