The simple subject of the following sentence: The microscopic dust mite was discovered less than three decades ago.
What is: mite or dust mite
Diagram the simple subject and simple predicate
This bloodthirsty bug belongs to the insect class.
What is:
bug belongs
The simple predicate of the following sentence:
In the backyard, my puppy jumps and plays for hours and hours.
What is:
jumps, plays
The complete predicate for the following sentence:
Someone in your household should probably do so as soon as possible.
What is:
should probably do so as soon as possible.
The type of sentence the following sentence is:
Don't forget to wash your hands before eating lunch.
What is:
The simple subject of the following sentence:
This eight-legged pest is related to the tick and the spider.
What is: pest
Diagram the compound subject and simple predicate
Either Jenny or Will will be responsible for getting the mail for Grandma.
What is:
Jenny Will Be responsible
The simple predicate of the following sentence:
Honduran white bats grow long white fur and eat only fruit.
What is:
grow, eat
The complete predicate for the following sentence:
The creatures leave tiny waste droppings in your bed.
What is:
leave tiny waste droppings in your bed.
The type of sentence the following sentence is:
Can a mammal move as fast as a car and rise as high as an airplane?
What is:
The simple subject of the following sentence:
Do you ever wash your pillow in very hot water?
What is:
Diagram the subject
Some species of bats fly much more slowly than any other night creatures.
What is:
Bats fly
The simple predicate of the following sentence:
The runners stretched their legs and drank lots of water after the race.
What is:
stretched, drank
The complete predicate for the following sentence:
The blood of mammals such as humans forms the bedbug's diet.
What is:
forms the bedbug's diet
The type of sentence the following sentence is:
Each student must decide on a research topic that provides interest to both the researcher and the audience.
What is:
The simple subject in the following sentence:
Someone in your household should probably do so as soon as possible.
What is:
Diagram the subject and predicate
Sondra and Jill walked and talked on the way to school.
What is:
Sondra Walked
Jill Talked
The simple predicate for the following sentence:
Do the reds and golds of autumn trees appeal to your sense of beauty?
What is:
The complete predicate for the following sentence:
A bedbug may grow to a length of a quarter of an inch.
What is:
may grow to a length of a quarter of an inch.
The type of question the following sentence is:
Every so often, check on your progress by logging into the PlusPortal.
What is:
The simple subject in the following sentence:
Can a concerned person remove these pesky flesh-eaters from bedding?
What is:
The complete subject of the following sentence:
Leaves, Pumpkins, and Scarecrows are fall items.
What is:
Pumpkins are
The simple predicate for the following sentence:
Can a concerned person remove these pesky flesh-eaters from bedding?
What is:
Can remove
The complete predicate for the following sentence:
Some species of bats fly much more slowly and cannot reach the same heights as others do.
What is:
fly much more slowly and cannot reach the same heights as others do.
The type of sentence that the following sentence is:
How lovely this cooler weather is!
What is: