The elderly man was crying because he spilled his milk.
What is: The elderly man
The store on the corner sells pickle-flavored ice cream.
What is: sells pickle-flavored ice cream
The dog's squeaky toy got left outside in the rain.
What is: toy
The school nurse drove the students home from school.
What is: drove
Tell what the complete subject and the simple subject are in this sentence: We took a test in math class today.
What is: We
(There's only one word in the subject part of the sentence, so it's the complete subject and the simple subject at the same time.)
The loudest students come to class early every day.
What is: The loudest students
My sister put black beans in the brownie batter.
What is put black beans in the brownie batter
His best friend's sister came to visit from Utah.
What is: sister
The clerk at the store bought herself a cute outfit for the party.
What is: bought
Tell what the simple predicate is in this sentence: I read all the Hunger Games books twice.
What is: read
The small yellow bird chased the orange tabby.
What is: The small yellow bird
We took our pet gecko to the vet.
What is: took our pet gecko to the vet
We eat ice cream for dinner every Friday night.
What is: We
I found a twenty-dollar bill inside the refrigerator.
What is: found
Tell what the complete predicate is in this sentence: She ordered five large pizzas for her three kids.
What is: ordered five large pizzas for her three kids
All the 6th grade teachers gave tests the day after Halloween.
What is: All the 6th grade teachers
The race car driver received a speeding ticket during the Indy 500.
What is: received a speeding ticket during the Indy 500
The entire basketball team was out sick and missed the game.
What is: team
His favorite vegetable is plain boiled cabbage.
What is: is
Tell what the simple subject is in this sentence: The baseball bat snapped in half upon colliding with the ball.
What is: bat
What is: Some 7th grade students
Our grocery store stocks tortilla chips in the frozen food aisle.
What is: stocks tortilla chips in the frozen food aisle
During class, the math teacher watched a movie and ate snacks instead of doing work.
What is: teacher
Some French words can be hard to pronounce.
What is: can be
Tell what the simple predicate is in this sentence: All of the best kinds of candy had been bought the day before.
What is: had been bought
(Remember that verb phrases work together as one verb!)