the "O" in WEIRDO
What is "ojala"?
What is de, des, de, demos, deis and den?
freedom in Spanish
What is libertad?
kind and challenging in Spanish
What are amable and exigente?
I doubt they understand him, in Spanish
What is "Yo dudo que lo comprendan."?
the "R" in WEIRDO
What is "recommendation"?
the chart for I in dishes
what is vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayais and vayan?
effort in Spanish
what is esfuerzo?
What are negativo, brillante and curioso?
It's important that they go, in Spanish
What is "es importante que ellos vayan"?
quiero and espero fall under this WEIRDO reason
the "S" verbs in DISHES
goal in Spanish
what is Meta?
patient and enthusiastic in Spanish
What are paciente and entusiasta?
Yo recomiendo que estudies, in English
What is "I recommend that you study"?
Es bueno que is an example of this WEIRDO reason
What is "impersonal expressions"?
the H in DISHES
growth and to mock
what are crecimiento and burlarse de?
reliable and sincere in Spanish
What are confiable and sincero?
No quieren que estemos en la cocina, in English
What is "they don't want us to be in the kitchen"?
Estoy feliz que and estoy triste que use this WEIRDO reason
What is "emotion"?
complete the idea with the correct use of E in DISHES: Quiero que tu _____________ feliz.
to pretend, to spend, success in Spanish
What finigir, gastar and exito?
empathetic and practical
What are empatico and practico?
I wish you guys would be nice, in Spanish
What is "Yo espero que sean simpaticos/amables"?