Doubt, Denial
Want, Desire, Demand
Impersonal Expression
Subjunctive vs Indicative
These are 2 trigger words of doubt that need the preposition"De".
What are No estar seguro and No estar convencido.
Besides querer, What other word means to want.
What is desear.
Most impersonal expressions start with this word.
What is Es.
These three are the same emotion. Alegrase de, Estar feliz, and Estar contento.
What is to be happy.
When the outcome of the situation is .... we use subjunctive.
What is unknown or a mystery.
Finish this sentence with the verb in parenthesis. No crees que (haber) un Papá Noel.
What is haya.
This word came from the Moor invasion and refers to asking God to intercede.
What is Ojalá
These synonyms mean it is better that.
What is Es mejor que and Más vale que.
This is the verb that goes with the most expressions of emotions.
What is Estar
Name 3 impersonal expression that use indicative (present) tense.
What are Es cierto que, Es verdad que, Es evidente que, Es claro que, Es hecho que or No es dudoso que.
Give a prompt that would start this sentence. _________ que mis amigos me mientan.
What is No creo, No estoy convencido de, Niego, Dudo, ...
These synonyms mean to beg and to demand. 2 for beg and 2 for demand.
What are rogar, suplicar and exigir, mandar.
Start this phrase. "It is necesary that" nosotros comamos una dieta buena.
What is Es necesario que or Es preciso que.
Finish this phrase. Estoy enojado que...(we have a lot of homework.)
What is tengamos mucha tarea.
The reason there is no subjunctive in this sentence. Quiero comprar un vestido nuevo.
What is There is no change in subject.
Translate Ellos dudan que tú me conozcas.
What is They doubt that you know me.
Translation Mis padres insisten en que yo haga toda mi tarea.
What is my parents insist that I do all my homework.
Translate. Es dudoso que mi madre me compre un coche para la Navidad.
What is It is doubtful that my mother will buy me a car for Christmas.
translate. A mí me disgusta que tú no puedas venir a mi casa esta noche para la fiesta.
What is "I hate that you can't come to my house tonight for the party."
Translate. Insisto en que tú vayas al cine con nosotros. Sí, yo quiero ir con ustedes.
What is I insist that you go to the movies with us. Yes, I want to go with all of you.
This translates I don't think that there is a Sassquatch but I know that there is a Santa Claus.
What is No pienso que haya un Sassquatch pero yo sé que hay un Papá Noel.
Translation They suggest that we leave early.
What is Ellos sugieren que salgamos temprano.
Translate God willing there will be a white Christmas.
What is Ojalá que haya una Navidad blanca.
Translate. We hope that she will sing Happy Birthday to us.
What is Esperamos que ella nos cante Feliz Cumpleaños.
Translate It is true that we are Wadsworth students but It is doubtful that we are all from Wadsworth.
What is Es verdad que somos estudiantes de Wadworth pero es dudoso que seamos de Wadsworth.