True or False:
1 Drink is 16-ounces of Beer
False, 12-ounces
What are the two main ingredients of marijuana?
True or False:
Portledge is a smoke free campus
True or false:
You are more likely to smoke tobacco products if you graduated college
False, less likely
________________ is how much all college students nationwide will spend yearly on alcoholic beverages.
$4.2 Billion
What is the most common form of excessive drinking?
Binge Drinking
Name 7 street names for marijuana
Reefer, kush, grass, pot, dope, gigglebush, maryjane, bud, weed, ganja
How much nicotine does 1 Juul pod contain?
Same as 1 full pack of cigarettes
What is thirdhand smoke?
Residual nicotine and other chemicals left on indoor surfaces by tobacco smoke
Physical dependence is a type of __________________________ in which the body itself feels a direct need for a drug.
For men, how many drinks per week is considered heavy drinking?
15+ Drinks per week
If used under 18, 1 in __ users will become addicted
What is an atomizer?
Part of the vape responsible for heating up the E-liquid & creates vapor
What are the types of tobacco?
Snuff, Chewing tobacco, cigars, cigarettes
Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, ____ of which cause cancer.
___________________ is the ability of the to respond quickly and appropriately to situations
Reaction Time
Name 3 side effects of using marijuana
red eyes, rapid heart beat, heart palpitations, munchies, decreased coordination and balance, cough, disorientation, anxiety, paranoia, attention problems, memory issues
Name 4 components of E-Cigarette smoke
nicotine, diacetyl, benzene, formaldehyde, heavy metals, ultra fine particles, vitamin-e acetate*
Tobacco causes what to happen to the skin?
premature aging, wrinkles
What is the most harmful type of smoke?
First Hand Smoke
A mixed drink containing __________________ is absorbed into the body more quickly than straight shots.
Carbonated Beverages
What is the main active cannabindoid?
What is the medical term for popcorn lung?
Bronchitis Obliterans
What are the three most common health effects (diseases)?
Lung cancer, Cardiovascular disease, Chronic obstructive lung diseases (emphysema)
This tobacco product has 4 times more nicotine than cigarettes.