What is true
True or false: marijuana is linked to school failure
What is wine, beer, liquor
Name three types of alcohol
10 seconds
How long does it take for nicotine to reach the brain
What is about 150 years
How long has cocaine been around
What is nicotine
What is the fastest addicting drug
What is weed, pot, reefer, grass, dope, hash, kush, flowers, and jay.
What are common slangs for marijuana
1.5 oz
What is one serving of alcohol
What is cataracts
Smoking can cause what eye problem
What is creates a huge high, addictive, and dopamine
What causes users to relapse
What is marijuana
The most commonly abused drug across the nation
What is 750,000
How many people are arrested for possession of marijuana each year
What is depressant
What type of drug is alcohol
What is 250
How many brands sell e-cigarettes
What is strength and swollen pupils
These physical traits change when cocaine is used
What is repetition and reward
Our brain learns by ________ and _________.
Increased heart rate, dry mouth, red eyes, lessened coordination and balance, "dreamy" state of mind, and slackened muscles.
What are 3 common side effects of using marijuana
What is Blood Alcohol Concentration or Blood Alcohol Level
What does BAC or BAL stand for
What are lungs
If you smoke/vape as a kid, what body part will have trouble developing properly
What is Coca-Cola
Cocaine was taken out of this popular drink in 1886
What is detoxification
What is the first stage of treatment
What is constant depressed mood, increased anxiety, and aggression
What are common emotional effects of marijuana
What is energy, water and carbon dioxide
The liver breaks down alcohol and turns it into what three things
E-Cigarette use has more than doubled with teens in the past year
How much has the use of E-Cigarettes increased with teens in the past year?
What is permanent damage to blood vessels, destruction of nose tissue, and organ damage
What are long-term effects of cocaine use
What is 90 days
For the best chance of staying sober, what is the minimum length of time a person should stay in treatment?